Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 December 1990 — Sovereignty meet set for Feb. 28, 1991 [ARTICLE]
Sovereignty meet set for Feb. 28, 1991
The Aboriginal Public Policy Institute has announced registration is now open for an International Indigenous Sovereignty Conference Feb. 28 - March 1, 1991 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in San Rafael, California.
According to a flyer of APPI, participants and speakers invited are indigenous leaders of governments whieh are sovereign and governments whieh are quasi-sovereign and under the jurisdiction of federal govemments. Participants are expected to be indigenous public servants, scholars, and associations and organizations interested in self-government and eeonomie self-suf-ficiency.
Countries to be represented at this conference include: New Zealand, Australia, Micronesia, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, Canada, the United States, South America and the USSR. Topics will cover: tribal sovereignty, the process to achieve sovereignty, operations of a sovereign nation, operating an embassy and international relations, knowledge to measure the extent of sovereignty, operating a government and personnel needs, status of indigenous people and self-government, federal relation and self-govern-ment, indigenous eeonomie eommon market, foreign aid and quasi-sovereign status, the United Nations and indigenous poliheal status, constitutions and sovereignty, negotiating political status and geopolitica! strategy and indigenous political status.
Conference fee is 5299 (fee received before Jan. 15, 1991). Late registration fee is $350 (if received after Jan. 15, 1991). Additional room rate cost at Embassy Suite Hotel, 101 McInnisParkwayis$89. To register write to: APPI, College of Marin, Indian Valley Campus, Ohlone Bldg., Room 144, Kentfield, California 94904.