Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1990 — Hawaiians, Indians in hoop tourney [ARTICLE]
Hawaiians, Indians in hoop tourney
Six Native American Indian basketball teams will eome to Kauai to compete in the second annual Hawaiian/Native American Indian Goodwill Basketball Tournament, Dec. 4-8 at Kapa'a High School gymnasium. They will be challenged
by six Native Hawaiian basketball players in the state. Visiting teams from last year returning include the defending champions, Chico Coyotes, California, and runner-up the Billings, Montana Warriors. Added to the format is a women's eompetition. The goal of the tournament and "farewell" eon-
cert is to provide an opportunity, through sport and dance, for cultural interchanges bietween these native peoples. This is a rare opportunity for these cultures to share their ideas and concerns on the playing field and on stage. Sponsored by the Internative Committee and the Mayor's Office, County of Kauai, it is the desire that this tournament will continue to be an annual event. At this time, corporate sponsorships are being sought to support the tournament.
Closing ceremonies at Kapa'a High School will be followed by a Native American Indian/Native Hawaiian Dance Concert at the Kauai War Memorial Convention Hall. Kumu Hula Mapuana Vai is the program coordinator for this unique blending of Native Dance. For information contact David Tucker at 2458454, Lisa Rezentes at 822-1804 or Bernard Carvalho at Parks & Recreation 245-8821.