Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 December 1990 — Hawaiian keiki need measles immunization [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian keiki need measles immunization

This year Hawai'i, like other states, has seen its largest number of measles cases in the past five years. A review of the 1990 cases of measles sofar by the Epidemiology Branch of the Department of Health reveals the urgent need to communicate to the community at large and particularly the native Hawaiian community that measles is a serious disease whieh ean be prevented by immunization. There have been 36 cases of measles thus far in 1990, and of these cases, 14 (39 percent) were among native Hawaiian.

Immunization program surveys statewide have found that only 82 percent of all 2-year olds have received their MMR vaccination (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), and that this immunization level is probably lower for native Hawaiian preschoolers. It is recommended by the American academy of pediatrics that the MMR vacine be given at age 15 months.

To be sure that your child has been adequately immunized, eheek with your family doctor or the Department of Health. For further information, eall the Department of Health: Kaua'i, 241-3495, O'ahu, 548-5986, Moloka'i, 567-6124, Lana'i, 565-6622, Maui, 243-5288, Hawai'l, 933-4276.