Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 December 1990 — ALU LIKE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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— — — — ■ — — — iii ii i n : — (presented by Ka Wai Ola O OHA and Alu Like as a public seruice)

Sol Kawaihoa

Unele Sol Kawaihoa has a dual job at Maui Historical Society's Bailey House Museum. He works as a groundkeeper and also teaches slack key guitar and ukuleie. He began learning slack key guitar when he was 12 years-old under the tutelage of Miehael Kanoa and his fireman dad while they were living in Kaimuki on O'ahu. Unele Sol's students range from youngsters to adults. He would like to see more youngsters eome and learn. Hopefully, some day they too ean share and teach others, and keep slack key alive for many more generations. The Hawēiiian community is grateful to Unele Sol for giving and sharing unselfishly of his talents. He is truly a treasure.

Laura Rosete Laura Rosete has been out of the workforce smce 1983. During that time she had a busy schedule raising her son and daughter who are now ages 7 and 5. She reentered the workforce and was placed in on-the-job training as a grill eook and counter attendant with Orange Julius and Pizza Ala Slice in the Prince Kuhio Plaza. Marion Kost recognized Laura's potential and promoted her to manager at Pizza Ala Slice on Feb. 25, 1989. Laura enjoys working with people and with her employees. "As a manager there's a lot of responsibilities that I never thought I could deal with but I'm trying my best. My husband is very supportive of me, he's a good listener and assists with chores when I fall behind."

Marion has only positive comments about Laura. "I am very proud of her and am very happy to give her the opportunity to let her grow. The self-esteem that she has acquired through the responsibilities of being a manager will help her throughout the rest of her life. Laura helps me in expanding my business, gives me suggestions and helps me grow also. I wish I had more employees like her." Laura said "I plan to stay with the company because I enjoy working with Marion."

Maile Rapoza Maile Rapoza successfully completed her work experience program at Kaloko-Honokohau Nahonal Park Office. Then she participated in an on-the-job traming program with Hawai'i Nahonal History Association at Kaloko-Honokohau during whieh time her clerical and selling skills were further developed. Maile is presently the receptionist at the park office in the Kaloko Industrial Area.

Jason Nakamura "If it weren't for Alu Like, I wou)d not have finished my college education." Those are the words of Jason Nakamura, a former classroom training participant. Two years ago, Jason eame to Alu Like seeking hnaneial assistance to attend the University of Hawai'i at Hilo. A very determined and motivated person who had just graduated from high school,

his ambition was to obtain a degree in automotive mechanics technology. Nakamura's perseverance and hard work has definitely paid off. In May, he received his degree and is now employed as a mechanic's helper with Suisan Co., Ltd. Jason says, "The assistance I received from Alu Like helped me a lot. Right now I'm at a job I like and I'm very satisfied."

Marylene Bisalen She started as an Alu Like participant back in fall of 1981. After completion of her A.S. degree in accounting in 1983, Marylene I. (Kagawa) Bisalen from Keaukaha, moved to Truk (Chuuk) State, Micronesia, along with her family. While there she worked for the College of Micronesia, Continuing Education for six years, first as an executive secretary I, then promoted to administrative assistant I and II and now she is the executive secretary II.

This summer she enrolled at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo in two computer courses and is also having practical training in the University of Hawai'i at Hilo admissions and financial aid offices. Her main purpose is to enneh her professional skills so that when she returns to Micronesia after completion of her summer courses and training, she ean utilize what she has learned and integrate this knowledge and skills with her job there. She wants to better serve the college, its students, and the people of Chuuk State. She encourages all native Hawaiians to take education seriously and take part in all programs that Hawai'i has to offer to them, and they'll go further!

Ah Yee, Makaneole, Leialoha Dennis Yamamoto, Station Manager of ABRE Xpress Freight on the island of Hawai'i, has provided his customers with helpful staff by hiring these three young ladies. He also provided a great worksite for these women to leam new skills and make a good living at the same time.

Velma Ah Yee, who was in Alu Like's on-the-job training program (OJT) last year, will be in Alu Like's upgrading program as she will be in training as an assistant station manager. Kristine Makaneole has been doing a great job in Alu Like's (OJT) program for the past two months. Tori Leialoha, the newest addition to ABRE and Alu Like's OJT program, is learning fast. They like working at ABRE because there is work to keep them busy, mueh to leam, a great environment

and the work is challenging. Regarding Alu Like's training programs and its benefits, Dennis says, "Alu Like on-the-job training program is an excellent community resource. Alu Like has served as the linking pin for our company to the loeal job market." Susan Poaha Susan B.K. Poaha, a former classroom training (CRT) participant, completed her on-the-job training position and was hired by Swenson's Construction and Real Estate Company as a data entry person.

Her duties included inputting data on to the computer and clerical responsibilities. She enjoys her job very mueh and appreciates Alu Like and Swenson's Construction Company for allowing her to participate in a job training program, she says. A single parent with two daughters, Poaha was seeking a job that will provide upward mobility and offer her an opportunity for longevity with the company. She feels that Swenson's will be the company that will allow her to achieve her vocational goals. "Although it's difficult to be a single working parent, sacrifices have to be made for the henefit of my family."

Liane Manipon Double congratulations are in order for Liane K. Manipon, classroom training participant. First, on her recent graduation from Cannon's International Business College of Honolulu with a diploma for office assistant. Second, on her new, full-time job with John Mullen & Co., ine., as a make-up file clerk, assisting insurance adjustors in the processing of adjustments using a computer system.

A 1988 graduate of Moloka'i High and Intermediate School, Manipon moved to Honolulu to attend the fall term at Brigham Young University - Hawai'i campus. The following semester, she decided to enroll in Cannon's Business College; thus beginning her participation in Alu Like's Employment and Training Program. Initially, Manipon had planned to pursue training in the travel industry management field, but she soon discovered an interest in working with computers and entered the information processing program. Her currieulum included business and clerical courses.

With her new knowledge and skills, filled with excitement, enthusiasm and some trepidation, Liane star ied her new job. She would love to eome home to Moloka'i, but for now, the job opportunities are on O'ahu and so she will be content with occasional short visits at home. continued page 23

Laura Rosete

Lynette Plunkett

Maile Rapoza

Marylene Bisalen

Jason Nakamura

Jacquelyn Freitas

Dennis Yamamoto. ABRE manager in back row with Velma Ah Yee. In front row: Kristine Makaneole and Tori Leialoha.