Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 12, 1 December 1990 — Computer training center class graduates [ARTICLE]

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Computer training center class graduates

From the classroom right into the workplace, graduates of the llth class of the Hawai'i Computer Training Center made their move after graduation at the 1BM Customer Center on Sept. 29. Of 36 graduates, 30 of them were already hired to start working immediately after graduation. A job fair held in August hosted 34 firms who interviewed the graduates for positions with their firm. Two graduates held bachelor's degrees, one had her master's degree in public health. Many had previous office work experience.

Several graduates had 'ohana who had attended classes previously. Sisters Leann Hatori and Sarah Retretal graduated with their aunt, Sarah Lennox. Mother and daughter Leialoha and Shawna Leialoha Lonoaea graduated together. The President/CEO Award (for most inspirational student) was presented by Masaru Oshiro of Alu Like to Blaine Kaaa. The Winona Ellis Rubin Award, for most irhproved student, went to June Cook. The Anton Krucky award, for most outstanding student, was presented to Darlene Kanei, by Krucky himself. Krucky is Pacific area manager for IBM and was instrumental in setting up the computer training center with Alu Like. 1BM has 80 computer job training centers elsewhere in the country for low-ineome and disadvantaged persons.

Receiving honor roll recognition were: Elaine Antone, Jodi Chatterton, Denise Dudoit, Madeline Ehia, Kamuela Kala'i, Darlene Kanei, Theodora Kealaiki, Mervanette Lee, Joan Martinez. Recognized for perfect attendance at classes were: Carolyn Crowder, Harriet Jones, Dionysia Kaanapu, Kamuela Kala'i, Mervanette Lee, Ramona

Szadkowski, Henry Watson III. Recognition for internships: at Pacific Resources ine.: Jodi Chatterton, Denise Dudoit, Kamuela Kala'i; at UH School of Puhlie Health: Madeline Ehia. The Almena typing method was an addition to the Cortez Peter Championship typing method this session to enhanee the students' speed and accuracy. Recognition was given to the teachers who taught the program Word Perfect in the computer class: Bob Tsunoda, IBM, Yvonne Akana, Campbell Estate; Elliot Oshiro, DOE - Mililani High School.