Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1990 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

f!Tgn I ■uMi m n i i ^ K*h » A k ^ I l I

At last! A game of HAWAH for the people of Hawaiil BIG KAHUNA lf you love Hawall, you1l love BIQ KAHUNAI An excltlng, fun game that lncorporates the legends, traditlons & places of HAWAII. Wln the game and become the new BIG KAHUNAI But look out for Madam Pele, the Nlghtwalkersr tldal wavesr shark attacks and sples. Game includes gameboard, 255 game cards, 6 Chlefs medallions and mueh more. For 2-6 playersr ages 8-adult Send eheek or money order to: House of Hawali, 1154 St George Dry Annapol/$, MD^ 21401. Allow 2-3weeks for dellvery. Name: Cost per game: $18.95 Address Shlpplng : $4.00 Sub-Total : 2295 Quantlty x= A great glft ldeal Total enclosed: $ Order now to beat the Chrlstmas rushl MAHALOI