Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 11, 1 November 1990 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
State Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associa'ions P.O. Box2132 Waianae, Hawaii 96792 Phone 668-8821 \
M 7] Abraham Aiona Al maui trustee * Raised on the Papakolea Hawaiian Homestead. * WW II Veteran-U.S. Army Paratrooper * Consultant- Baldwin Pacific Corp. * Self employed as Consultant in Community Relations and Government Affairs. SERVED AS: * Chief Maui Poliee Dept. - 6 year * Councilman, Maui-Moloka County Council (5 terms) * Vice President - Hawaii State Association of Counties (3 terms)
Please f v0te All 5 Candidates X<V>X<<N«<<<<<<<v$WX<<<WXV.S<<<<::<¥CV.<<;::C::WWS<"5XSWS§R«W$K!>8ī!5CW»
Josiah Black Hoohuli oahu trustee * Born and raised on Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead. * Presently Custodial Services, the State Department of Education. * Served the U.S. Marine Corp. CURRENTLY: * Chairman - Eeonomie & Development Commitee for SCHHA * Vice President - Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead Community Association
.. . "\7lBob Freitas r\ at large trustee * Resident of Papakolea Hawaiian Homestead since 1948. * U. S. Marine Corps * 1990 Official lobbyist for SCHHA, obtained $50 million for infrastructure. EMPLOYMENT: * State Dept. of Transportation, Harbors Division. * Retired U.S. Federal Employee * Construction & Housing Inspector * Design Draftsman (Electronic/Housing)
r\7|Kamaki A. Kanahele ax large trustee * Raised on Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead. * Served as Administrator for the State Office of Hawaiian Affairs. * Served for over 1 0 years in Washington D.C. as Administrator of Education for the National Endowment for the Arts. CURRENTLY: * President/Founder - Kamaki Kanahele & Associates, Ltd. * Chairman of the Board - SCHHA * President - Nanakuli Hawaiian Homestead Community Association * Businessman and Educator
S7| Arthur Foster Kepoo aa at larce trustee * Hawaiian Homestead resident of Kuhio Village in Waimea. * Retired Capt. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. * Won legal rights for Native Hawaiians to view OHA's records. SERVED AS: * Investigator for the State Attorney General's Office. * Security officer for the State of Hawaii * Kupuna - Hawaiian Language Studies for State Dept. of Education. * President - Community Gardens Parks & Recreation, City & County of Honolulu for 4 years.
Paid for by Committee for OHA Siate Box 104, Kamuela, Hl 96743