Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1990 — Leadership conference set in Hilo [ARTICLE]
Leadership conference set in Hilo
Haloa — "the breath of life and knowledge passed on from generation to generation," is the theme of the 1990 Hawaiian Leadership Conferenee October 25 and 26 at the University of Hawaii at Hilo campus center. Registration is now open to anyone wanting to plant the seed for developing Hawaiian leadership. College and high school students. conselors, administrators, community leaders, teachers, coaches and parents are invited to sign up. Topics will cover: traditions, Hawaiian protocol, spiritual aspects of Hawaiian cuiture, health and selfesteem in the 'ohana, occupations, kinship ties, traditions and rites of passage. Also planned: ehallenge speaker Pua Kanahele on "Haloa," Hawaiian
values through aesthetics, Friday evening Pa'ina and kanikapila, folktaleson 'ohana and leadership, and empowerment of Haloa and appiieahon of 'ohana values. Pre-registration fee is $25 for students and senior citizens. Fee is $50 for all others. Late re: gistration fee is $30 and $60. Space is limited to the first 150 participants. To register, send eheek for fee (no money orders please) with your name, address, affiliation, work and home phone numbers to: Hawaiian Leadership Conference, Attention Manu Meyer, Office of Student Services, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091. For more information eall Manu Meyer at 9333413 or Kamuela Chun at. 933-3620.