Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 10, 1 October 1990 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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* . "/ WAS AIWAYS TAUGHĪ T0 NEV£R F0RGET WHERE I C0MB FR0M. I'M PHOUO BE j|~ s: } T0 HAVC BĒEN B0RH IN KAIIHI." IOLANI HIGH SCHOOL-CLASS OF '72 Recipient HEADMASTERS AWARD, HONORS GRADUATE Harvard University Graduate ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP i t MAHALO 9 for your support tfiroughtout tfie post compoign. | PAIP F0R BY ĪHE FRIENDS 0F MUFI HĀNNEMANN, RANDALL SUMIDA TREASURE, 777 KAPIOLANI BLVD„ SU1ĪE A1, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96813, PHONE: 531-6100 | "ONIPA'A KE AINA" • Lobbied in congress for reparations. J||| • lst President of Aboriginal Lands of Hawaiian Ancestry ^ t 9§ (A.L.O.H.A. Association). • 1976 started Kahoolawe Movement. Tf' • Stopped sale of federal surplus land on Maui and Oahu. • Chair of Hawaiian Affairs U.S. Civil Rights Commission , Advisory Board. • Helped stop major hotel at Honokahua and returned ancient kupuna remains to burial grounds. • Returned ancient bones from Smithsonian Institute to • | Hawaii. • Lectured throughout state at colleges and schools on Hawaiian culture and reparations. Paid for by Maxwell's Ohana, 157 Alea Plaee, Pukalani Maui 96768