Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 10, 1 October 1990 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ACCOMPLISHMENTS... 1 . Responsible for initiating Native Hawaiian Land Title Project via contracting (NHLC) Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation to defend against Quiet Title Actions on Kuleana Lands. 2. Initiated legislation to protect Milolii, Hawai'i and Maunalaha Valley, Oahu Hawaiian residents from being displaced by the State. 3. Initiated intervention by OHA on Kapalua Burials resulting in new State Laws to protect the "IWI" of our Kupuna and formation of Native Hawaiian Historical Preservation Task Force and lsland Burial Councils. 4. Committee Chair Task Force on Hawaiian Homes Commission 1983-1984. conceived accelerated award program subsequently adopted and implemented by DHHL. 5. Developed and initiated Ceded Land lnformational Meetings statewide to educate our peoples on their rights to Hawaiian Homelands. 6. Conceived and initiated a "Single Definition Referendum" to include — all Hawaiians, regardless of blood quantum, to be identified as a Native Hawaiian if they so choose. 7. Advocated for the establishment of a Beneficiary Trust with a minimum of 300,000 acres of land for distribution via Land Awards to all Hawaiians regardless of Blood Quantum. 8. Advocated for OHA to maintain a strict policy of political advocacy on all Hawaiian Entitlements as priority. conceived formation of Standing Committee on Status and Entitlements whieh has been instrumental to resolving the Ceded Land Claims, 20% revenue to OHA and the Federal Land Claims Blueprint. 9. Advocates for the Sovereign Rights of the "Poe Hawai'i" as to our Lands and Rights Governance. 10. Advocated the establishment of "Hawaiian Language Schools" Statewide and "Hawaiian Culture Centers". Paid for by friends of Rod Burgess, 186 Malanai St. Lahaina, Maui 96761