Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 10, 1 October 1990 — Feedback wanted from Hawaiians [ARTICLE]

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Feedback wanted from Hawaiians

The Hui Imi Task Force on Hawaiian Services has completed its study and is taking the report into communities for feedback. The task force conducted statewide interviews with Hawaiian individuals, families and group all summer to find out what services Hawaiians need and what services they have a hard time finding. The most frequently mentioned concerns are: the need to obtain leasehold land on whieh to build a house; finding out where to get different services in eaeh community; where to get personalized, one-on-one assistance. OmniTrak, a consulting firm whieh provided research assistance to the task force, is arranging community meetings, statewide, to inform Hawaiians about the Hui Imi Task Force recommendations. At the meeting, Hawaiians will be encouraged to offer their mana'o before the final draft is submitted to the state Legis!ature. Consult daily newspapers and radio/TV boardcasts for dates, times and locations whieh will be announced as soon as they are set. Or eall the OHA Newsline at 946-5703. Onee submitted to the Legislature in spring in 1991, the Hui Imi report will assist in budget planning and program development for Hawaiian services. For that reason, Hawaiians are urged to attend the community meetings.