Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Auwe [ARTICLE]
The following corrections have been brought to Ka Wai Ola O OHA's attention on the August issue story on Duke Kahanamoku, whieh was ba<^d on information provided to this newspaper. Mahalo to Earl Pamai Tenn for sharing this corrected information from the Kahanamoku family: A photo of Duke Kahanamoku depicts Duke with a long board made by Tom Blake. However, it was not Duke's board. A book by Blake notes Duke had made his own long board. A completed statue of Duke Kahanamoku has not ye* been erected in Australia, but will be erected upon approval from the Australian government. A bust, and not a statue, of Duke is on dispiay in the Surfing Hall of Fame at Huntington Beach, California. And finally, according to fami!y records, Duke was born at Kalia, Waikiki on property of his mother's family Kalia is the location of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Also, a story on Senator Danie! K. Inouye's endorsement of geothermal development incorrectly named Ahraham Pi'iana'ia as director of Hawaiian studies at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, based on information provided to Ka Wai Ola O OHA. The current director is Haunani-Kay Trask. Pi'iana'ia is a former director of the Center for Hawaiian Studies.