Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer

The OHA Board of Trustees held its July 28 business meeting at the Community Services Building of Maui Community College. Chairman Kaulukukui and Trustees Akaka, Ching, DeSoto, Hao, Kahaialii and Keale were present. Trustees Burgess and Mahoe were excused. Chairman's Report The chairman announced that an offer has been made to discuss the donation of a parcel of land on Hawai'i island to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The parcel includes an unstudied heiau and a marked burial site whieh is located about one eighth of a mile from the heiau. The landowner is willing to provide a buffer zone surrounding the heiau and burial site whieh could amount to a pareel of about 10 acres. The board authorized an amount not to exceed $10,000 from the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund to survey the metes and bounds of the heiau and surrounding buffer zone. The survey results are to be reported to the Committee on Operations and Development whieh will make recommendations to the full board. The motion passed 5-0 with Trustee Hao abstaining. Historic Preservation Task Force Report The board received a report on the recent repatriation of Native Hawaiian remains from the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. The report, authored by Lydia Namahana Maioho, chair of the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Task Force ended with a request to empower the task force in two areas: 1. To coordinate with Hui Malama I Na Kupuna O Hawai'i Nei and other appropriate organizations, agencies and individuals on all matters related to reparation, burial and respectful treatment of Native Hawaiian remains; and 2. To pursue mechanisms and sources of funding to support and implement this effort and report to the OHA Board of Trustees on the progress (of all s matters). Chair Maioho's request was unanimously apIproved with the addition of the words "on all matters" as indicated in brackets in above paragraph. Committee Reports Committee on Operation and Development Board members failed to approve a recommendation that "the chairman o'f the board eommunicate with the governor on the possibility of the governor appointing a salary commission for OHA trustees' approved compensation." "No" votes were cast by Trustees DeSoto, Hao and Keale. "Yes" votes were cast by Trustees Akaka, Ching and Kahaialii. The board unanimously approved an OHA secretarial procedures manual designed to provide

secretanai ana eieneai personnei wiin guiae!ines and procedures to facilitate the flow of paperwork in an effective, efficient and eeonomieal manner. Unanimous approval was given to a recommendation to adopt a policy of immediate payment to trustees for per diem on all scheduled board and committee meetings, following attendance at such meetings. The following recommendation from the eommittee was adopted: "That the disposition and use of the $7.2 million made available to OHA by H.B. 2896 be subject to the following conditions: "1. that the money be deposited into our investment portfolio. "2. that an amount not to exceed $720,000 may be expended for replacement of the FY 1991 supplemental budget, for support of the full entitlements settlement and continuing negotiations, and for

such other projects as may be approved by the board and that $65,000 of the $720,000 be paid back to the investment portfolio plus interest to be determined by our custodian and the money manager of the investment portfolio. "3. that expenditures in excess of an aggregate of $720,000- may be authorized only by approval of a two-thirds majority of the Board of Trustees." The recommendation passed. Approval was given to a recommendation authorizing the expenditure of "$2,726 out of trust fund money for legal services rendered by Cynthia Thielen, Esq. in eonneehon with the Price vs. Paty litigation." The board gave unanimous approval to the expenditure of funds to secure consultant services to provide expert assistance to the trustees in the development of asset management policies, ehoices and strategies. Staff was instructed to develop a request for proposals. Committee on External Affairs The board voted unanimously to approve a recommendation by External Affairs to pursue a presentation skills workshop for the trustees and staff. *•. The board adopted a recommendation to request the hiring of a community monitor to stay on-site during ground disturbing activities in the windward area of the Kaneohe interchange area. Funding is to eome from the state Department of Transportation. Calendar The next meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees was set for Saturday, Aug. 25, in the Kaua'i County Council Chamber, Lihue. The September meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees will take plaee Saturday, Sept. 29 at 10 a.m. in Kaunakakai, Moloka'i.