Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Computer Center organizes alumni [ARTICLE]
Computer Center organizes alumni
The Hawai'i ( omputer Training Center alumni association was recently formed to include all graduates from the ten graduating classes. About 25 former students held a meeting to organize the alumni association on May 31. A bv-laws committee of alumni volunteers spent two months re* searching and drafting the by-laws by whieh the association will be guided Serving on the by-laws committee were Leonard Oshiro. chairperson. Gwen Nakanishi, Wilma Akiona, Apolei Bargamento, Keola Kamakawiwoole, lris Khan. Leola Cuson, Virginia Mole, Ulu Stephenson, and Judi Wootten. At the serond general meeting on July 27 registration into the association and an eleehon for officers were conducted. Officers elected were: president, Apolei Bargamento: vice-president, Leonard Oshiro; recording secn tary Leola Cuson; corresponding serretary G wen Nakanishi; and treasurer, Andrew Purdv, Jr. The purnose ot the association is ' 1 ) to promote a socal gatheringTellowship for the graduate students; (2) to provide a gathering plaee for members to share employment openings/opportunities with those who wish to change their career; (3) to notify members of the changes happening at the center or of new classes being offered for graduates to participate; (4) to support various endeavors of the Hawai'i Computer Training Center; (5) to enhanee the image of the Hawai'i Comnuter Train ing Center to stimulate interest in the puhlie; and (6) to encourage funding/fund-raising activities. Efforts to contact all graduates are being made. A September general meeting is tentatively planned. Graduates interested in joining may send their $5 membershin fee to the Hawai'i Compufer Training Center Associntion, 33 South K ng St. Suite 300. Honolulu 96813, attention Andrew Purdy, Jr.. treasurer. A schedule of future meetings will be published in the Ka Wai Ola O OHA.