Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Page 20 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
" *c lcr , • ;y:- p iauula Homestead Road, Hauula96717
Z~~ " ■ "I RE-ELECT PETER K. AP0(D) >** ' , 49th House DLstrid be\\eve we need more reasonably priced ■ pr\vate rer\ta\ units through joint privatezSk • i T | government sponsor5hip. Too many of •'**' our homeless are made up of those / Sh|J gainfulty employed or on fixed reeourcee>. Until we car\ offer housing that a 5ingle 51 \ ineome car\ afford, we'll continue to have a 50013 ' crisis with the high cost of ■b \^ I livi r\q ar\d a\\ its attendant problems." P<ter K. Apo Campaign Commiltee, 85-259 Mahinaau Rd, Hhkwae 96792