Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Community shares its mana'o with OHA [ARTICLE]

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Community shares its mana'o with OHA

Community Planning Meeting Windward O'ahu, July 16 Attendance: 17 1. OHA support creation of Hawaiian "Winner's Camp" to build self-esteem, confidence, etc. (summer school) (3) 2. Free tutoring at hula halau, olelo Hawaii, music, etc. for all Hawaiian youngsters who can't afford (1) 3. OHA set up programs to send Hawaiian youngsters to hands on taro, fishing, etc. in Waipio or Hanalei as part of Alu Like type program (5) 4. OHA sponsor esteem building programs for all Hawaiians (2) 5. Create esteem eamp - Heritage Center in Waipio Valley (Hawaii) (1) 6. Build up morale of Hawaiians through more communication (1) 7. OHA build/develop Academy of Fine Arts for everyone with finest available teachers (4) 8. Hire teachers to teach true Hawaiian history and constitutional rights (like Ka Lahui members) to voungsters in Hawaii's public and private schools (0) 9. OHA invest in T.V., radio - all public media to tell Hawaiian story and history (2) 10. OHA provide program for education of exceptional (handicapped) children of Hawaiian extraction (0) 11. Advocacy program in Washington D.C. for Hawaiians by best experts in human relationsand civil rights (17) 12. OHA advocate for recovery of money due for use of DHHL water by Maui Irrigation System that has been used for free for many years (6) 13. OHA should prepare for self-destruction within a year (8) 14. OHA provide financial assistance to Native Hawaiian youngsters to attend private school of their ehoiee (3) 15. Revitalization of Waipio Valley on Hawaii as Hawaiian cultural center via purchase from Bishop Museum (1) 16. OHA budget for investigation of all Hawaiian lands programmed for and now undergoing development, to ascertain if Hawaiian burial grounds, temples, or other agricultural, cultural

areas and artifacts are present from the first day of land clearing to the completion of the developmental project (7) 17. OHA begin legal proceedings against DHHL and state for past and present issuing of Hawaiian lease land for minimal returns and excluding these same ehoiee lands for use by current and potential Hawaiian beneflciaries (7) 18. Establish Waipio Valley Hawaiian farming/fishing training center with competitive wages for Hawaiian youth (5) 19. OHA Board of Trustees be more accessible to beneficiaries in island offices (0) 20. Investment portfolio/stock market holdings* be sold immediately and monies put into needed programs (7) 21. After school Hawaiian culture programs, language, etc. for Hawaiian youngsters taught "Kupuna style" (conversational) (5) 22. All 50% Hawaiian youngsters who wish to attend Kamehameha School should be able to do so, regardless of test scores (0) 23. Monies from OHA left over from other programs devoted to infrastructure on all availab!e DHHL Hawaiian lands, not pieee meal (3) 24. Post-secondary financial aid - Hawaii and mainland (1) 25. Create legal team to fight OHA on behalf of beneficiaries; use out-of-state, neutral attorneys (7) 26. Create legal team to sue Bishop Estate to educate more Hawaiian students and build more facilities on other islands (9) 27. All OHA funds be made available to hire best criminal attorneys in the world to pursue closed door deal regarding settlement of 1.4 plus million acres of Hawaiian ceded land (10) 28. OHA focus exclusively on legislation affecting Hawaiians - land recovery, etc. if allowed to exist (0) 29. Program for preservation of La'au (Hawaiian medical practices) and achieve legal status for all traditional practices (3) 30. OHA build a boarding school similar to Kamehameha School with qualified teachers in Waianae (0)

31. Permit OHA members to remove themselves from OHA after they are made aware of OHA's poor performance, bias, and secret deals whieh have worked to our detriment (0) Community Planning Meeting Molokai, July 16 Attendance: 28 Note: Voting was conducted differently at this meeting. Participants were asked to uofe on any items they thought were a priority and then were asked to choose five top priorities from among the highest first-round uote getters. In parentheses after eaeh item is the number of first-round uotes, followed by second uotes on the top priorities of the first round. 1. More Hawaiian programs in elementary and high school (20) 2. Community libraries (4) 3. Teen center (6) 4. Affordable house on HHL (23, 5) 5. Full scholarship program; pay back in community service (18) 6. New homes for all homesteads (16) 7. Infrastructure for HHL (24, 16) 8. Cultural/business plaza for Hawaiians (22,0) 9. Small business (18) 10. Farmers market (15) 11. Accelerate homestead awards (13) 12. Protect water rights (25, 11) 13. Provide grants for non-profits (10) 14. Grants for fislVfarm (18) 15. Services for elderly (21, 0) 16. Money for upkeep of Hawaiian cemetery (19) 17. Medical assistance for Hawaiians (elderly) (24,17) 18. Separate intermediate school (on Molokai) (5) 19. More housing money (28) 20. Dderly housing (17) 21. Hawaiian language for children (23, 5) 22. Nursing home (20) 23. Medical/dental plan for Hawaiians(l card)(24, 17) 24. OHA money source for all programs (21, 9) 25. Sub fire station at east end and Maunaloa (11) continued on page 14

from page 13 26. Bus transportation system (public) (4) 27. Affordable housing on private lands (6) 28. Housing for all Hawaiians (11) 29. Farm equipment for homesteaders (17) 30. Homes for homeless (15) 31. Irrigation meters for agricultural lots (24, 3) 32. Legal services (25, 7) 33. Sovereignty (6) 34. Land base for eeonomie development (16) } 35. Loans for home repairs at low interest (18) 36. Rental for heavy farm equipment (16) f 37. OHA establish for-profit entity to sell produce (12) 38. Board of Trustees get act together (16) 39. Rental units for Hawaiians (12) 40. Post high school education assistance (18) 41. KS/BE campus on Molokai (12) 42. Establish programs on culture/language (Hawaiian) (19) 43. Day care/respite care services (18) 44. Homestead commercial center (8) 45. Medical rehabilitation services for disabled Native Hawaiians on all islands (22, 4) 46. Establish Hawaiian bank/credit union for Native Hawaiians (15) 47. Low interest loans for farmers (17) 48. Bring huli/taro to Molokai from other islands for poi (18) 49. Retain ceded lands (21, 2) 50. iee plant for fishing (15) 51. Establish communications between island Hawaiians and elsewhere (8) 52. Estab!ish poi factory (17) 53. Right-to-sue bill (Federal) (14) 54. Entitlements to island Hawaiians first (14) Community Planning Meeting Leeward O'ahu, July 17 Attendance: 4 signed-in, 8 counted by staff ( Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. lnfrastructure DHHL waiting list and awards (3) 2. Funding for sovereignty movement of established organization (6) 3. Waipio Valley: farming, fishing, Hawaiian skills, self esteem building, summer training program for Hawaiian youths with competitive compensation (2) 4. Need more one-stop job training empbyment centers, resource people who live in community (2) 5. Inventory/appraisal of land trusts; control and management of ceded lands (5) 6. Provide funds that establish mechanisms for our Hawaiian nation within two years or sooner. Our nation will control all ourassets, money, and lands. Our nation will develop our own lands with our own Hawaiians. 1) ln the interim, there will be a moratorium on land movement except for DHHL homes and infrastructure and homes for Hawaiians on ceded lands. 2) No Hawaiian lands (DHHL or ceded) sold, exchanged, or leased out a plebiscite. 3) Sovereign government: a) Provide meetings locally on the district and county levels. h) Ultimately hold a Congress of Hawaiians to set up our government. l)Prepared by representative study groups establish Hawaiian language as national language (2) 7. Establish Hawaiian culture center (Marae). Historic preservation, curation, restoration, maintenance of significant cultural sites, i.e. burial sites, fishing ground, forests, lo'i etc. Establish Hawaiian culture plaee and gathering plaee in Waipio. Cultural center controlled by Native Hawaiians. Historic preservation of Waipio and purchase of Bishop Museum land (7) 8. Ceded lands bill (inventory). Plebiscite on HB2896 to be overseen by league of women voters (4) 9. Manpower, supplies, personnel, facilities for youth in drug problem areas (2) 10. Active commission on civil right and legal rights of Hawaiians i.e. investigative grand jury with teeth in it (3) 11. Publish "plain English" version of Iegislation relative to Native Hawaiians (1) 12. Grants to Hawaiian homestead organizations (1) 13. OHA: stick to legal advocacy, not government. Pursue suits for illegal land exchange, sales and other give aways of Hawaiian lands. Alu Like: job employment training. KS/BE: education. (1) 14. OHA to provide more timely and active supportof Hawaiian issues; all sides ofissues. (Quit State-OHA bias) (6) 15. OHA fund Alu Like (0) 16. Poll Hawaiians to reflect development of policy. Representation of Hawaiians to state not state to Hawaiians (6)

17. Provide Hawaiian curriculum from Hawaiian point of view i.e. self esteem, history, values, etc. (1) 18. OHA push state to provide tuition free for Hawaiians at U.H. system (4) 19. Advertise meetings at least eaeh week for three weeks in two major dailys (radio, T.V., P.S.A., etc.) on ail isiands. Hold meetings in accessible buildings in high Hawaiian density areas (2) Agency Planning Meeting Kona, July 17 Attendance: 8 ( Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Affordable Housing-Run Program (6) 2. Mental Heahh Facility-Ho'oponopono (plus training to use, aleohol, drug abuse, crisis inter. etc.) culturally based, maybe with Alu Like (4) 3. More training in First Aid, CPR in Hawaiian Community (1) 4. Transportation-van to get people to services (0) 5. Vocational and technical training programs for high schoolers (3) 6. Family resource center-alternative support groups-medical (perinatal), day care, alternative education, parenting for Hawaiians (6) 7.Assist or develop early identification or intervention programs to prevent mental health and drug problems (2) 8. Vocational training (to increase ineome) (2) 9 Cultura! identity programs for Hawaiians (2) 10. Neighbor island access to State agencies (on-island data link, plus ability to get needed documents and information (1) 11. Institute or center for promotion of cultural and environmental issues that includes what's in the best interest of loeal community (1) 12. Hawaiian school that teaches about Hawaii in Hawaiian (0) 13. Vocational training, especially for adu!t males (none available in West Hawaii) (1) 14. Promote ceiling on cost of living (2) 15. Education of providers (DOE, DOH, private) including, assessment and certification-cultural sensitivity for those working with Hawaiians. Also retraining social workers, UH, medical school, etc. (2) 16. Credential community members to work-upgrade skills to provide services-counseling, outreach (2) 17. Help lower ineome folks learn budgeting/financial planning (0) 18. Go into the "small business business"-train people on the job, spin them off into independent businesses (2) 19. Island-wide mass transit system for Hawaii (4) 20. There's no Hawaiian homelands in Kona, we may lose the community. Encourage DHHL to acquire land in Kona (3) 21. Be sure if develop transportation-it's affordable (0) 22. Develop resources for kids with reading problems, plus remedial help (0) 23. Be sure Hawaiian homelands are being used by Hawaiians not subleased to others (1). 24. Address DOE for diversification of program. OHA publish guidelines for use in School-Community Based Management, for example, how Hawaiian kids leam best, activities, legitimate their learning preferences (process/content), help them succeed (2) 25. Improve DOE programs to supplement language development (Maybe teacher training? Maybe more staff? Different programs? Attitudes?) (1) 26. Program to help reduce child abuse (could involve language and other "understanding" problems) (1) 27. Programs regarding physical, mental, emotional abuse, maybe adjunct to family court pmgrams using culturally appropriate approaches (1) 28. Facilities for hearing impaired-training, services, school in Kona (0) 29. Solutions to housing problems that don't segregate the poor in substandard units-housing is a right (0) 30. Wage plans that reflect Kona's cost of living (0) 31. Establish high profile, very honoredgroupsof elders in eaeh community to convey ethics, values and customs, and to take positions on key issues (that would be publicized.) Provide center for them to operate out of (0) 32. Program to reduce drug, aleohol abuse (0) 33. Encourage more self-help housing projects and other pilot projects - family builds central unit plus small private quarters (1) 34. KS/BE work with OHA to put satellite schools on all islands, maybe high school in Kona (1) 35. Is there any way to watch-dog money (*trusts, etc.) that are supposed to be flowing into helping Hawaiians? Encourage system of accountability (1) 36. Malama Ka'Aina - deputize people to stop littering, act when they see it (0)

37. Develop critical thinking - enable Hawaiians to make, consider choices, know impacts - through DOE, family/health centers, etc. (0) 38. Self-esteem programsalong with critical thinking (0) 39. OHA tune into DOE, private child care programs - get people to culturally appropriate parenting programs in exchange for free or reduced rate child care (2) 40. Recreation programs for kids (1) 41. Recreational/cultural village (0) 42. OHA get land to house all these programs and facilities (2) Community Planning Meeting Kona, July 17 Attendance: 19 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items arp in bold.) 1 . School or program for Hawaiian children (8) 2. Program to help Hawaiians in business; land and loans (3) 3. Scholarships for colleges on the mainland (9) 4. Housing-affordable (14) 5. Housing with lower interest rates for first time homeowners (Hawaiian) (12) 6. Manage and develop ceded land resources for business and eeonomie development (5) 7. Establish cemeteries on ceded lands to bury Hawaiians (2) 8. Education: educate non-Hawaiians about Hawaiians to combat discrimination (feature successful Hawaiians, work against stereotypes) (9) 9. Medical center for Hawaiians and a health plan (19) 10. Genealogical library/database for Hawaiians' use (5) 11. Legal advice regarding land, other issues (2) 12. Monitor puhlie education - Hawaiian language, culture; how and by whom is it being taught? How well? (15) 13. Senior citizen have preference for housing/land etc. i.e. when displaced from plantations, etc. (7) 14.'Program to assist Hawaiian high school grads when they don't go to college - job counseling, placement, etc. (3) 15. Plaee for taro planting (to increase supply of poi). Can OHA provide huli? (15) 16. Housing - OHA to coordinate with whoever handles, not OHA to provide but work to increase supply of housing (4) 17. Investigate and follow through ceded lands. Land grants (the grants of the Ali'i) Report to the people on what's happened, how to access resources, what rights are (Queen's Hospital, Lunalilo Home, resolve disputes if necessary) (6) 18. Hawaiian homelands in Kona (14) 19. Assist individuals and groups to restore old Hawaiian churches and cemeteries (3) 20. Check on Hawaiian children as juniors, provide counseling for career. Try to get resources to send them all the way through college/ professional schools - complete degrees (12) 21. Ceded lands exchanged for Hawaiian homelands in locations of people's ehoiee (9) 22. Get state and U.S. to stop bashing Hawaiians - discourage misuse of Hawaiian language and culture (3) 23. Outpatient clinics needed near all HHL commuftifies (7) 24. Use influence with DOE to regulate Hawaiian history books so kids leam the truth. Also, kids need to know their rights and how government works - teach this early on. (7) 25. Recreational center for Hawaiian youth (1) 26. OHA become part of State's oeean resource management planning (6) 27. Historic sites: state tells us they have limited staff, more information needs to be available (2) 28. OHA has obligation to maintain information on methods of cultivating taro. Need to be sure not lost; set up a program on ehunk of land above Waipio and other places, both wet and dry (8) 29. OHA to coordinate with state, DOH, and DHS so ean inform Hawaiians and direct them to state and other services. Provide materials created by state departments, etc. (7) 30. OHA should not spend money on things others ean pay for (i.e., federal, state services). Coordinate, don't duplicate (6) 31. Protect Hawaiian ownership of Kuleanas - protection from unrealistic property taxes (NHLC should do). Resolve undivided interest factors (8) 32. Taxation should be based on actual use,»not "highest and best" (9) 33. More agriculture and ranch land needed (5) continued on page 15

34. Work with state to make archival information available on neighbor islands with easy access (3) 35. Information "trickles down" to Kona, yet Kona has more Hawaiians than Honolulu. We need more information quicker regarding services, hearings, informational meetings, programs, etc. (4) 36. Gather information on how to qualify for all sorts of programs. Be center of referral, tel! folks what to expect v hen going for services (10) 37. Use influence as spokesperson for Hawaiians to regulate foreign investment (11) 38 Job placement program (possibly coordinate with Alu Like) (6) 39. Would like to see foreign investors stop manipulating natural features - should be an OHA priority (8) 40. Something like Kamehameha Schools on Big Island (10) 41. Native rights like fishing - protect - use attorneys if necessary(3) 42. Is Konohiki still legal? Can OHA give information on this and other native rights? (2) 43. OHA work with state on rehabilitating Hawaiian prisoners through reforestation programs and caring for the land (2) 44. Watchdog what's going on with any grant awarded for Hawaiians. What's happened? (0) 45. More Hawaiian language in the schools (boy, age 9) (9) 46. Develop Hawaiian aquaculture park on ceded lands or Natural Energy Laboratory lands in Kona (5) 47. Under utilized resources (i.e. fishponds) used for education, training, and subsistence (all islands) (10) 48. Maximum use of Hawaiian language resources. (Including protection of Ni'ihau - compensate its people to teach, pass on culture, perhaps bring in children for immersion for several months (8) 49. Don't buy ceded lands Work with HHL instead to increase land base (4) 50. Work with Bishop Estate acquiring land for HHL - Board of Trustees don't buy • coordinate (4) 51. Rebuild menehune seawall; it is important. Can OHA help? (5) 52. Set up project to solicit artifacts from people, then exhibit around state for kids to see - circulate through libraries, etc. (4) 53. OHA to assist parents who want to send their kids to Punana Leo but can't afford it (4) 54. OHA needs more satellites (i.e. in Ka'u, Niuli'i, Pahala, Milolii, Kamuela, Kawaiahae, Hawi) could be staffed by volunteers • lots willing (6) 55. Stronger protections of Hawaiian historic sites - advocate Kahu system (2) 56. DLNR every year forwards an inventory of lands to governor. Should be made public (3) 57. Hawaiians should be teaching Hawaiian language, culture, custom, traditions (15) 58. Don't put "Ka Wai Ola" out like a tourist paper - get Hawaiian organizations to distribute it (2) Agencv Planning Meeting Maui, July 18 Attendance: 7 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Legal services of all kinds especially for youth and seniors, including general advice, guardian and adoption (6) 2. Statewide Hawaiian language classes tor any Hawaiians (2) 3. Centralize cultural resource center for information (0) 4. Expand Hawaiian education to include K-12 curriculum (0) 5. Provide training workshops for providers (cultural sensitivity) (1) 6. Culture and Arts-promote, reinforce, i.e. training for people who are teaching, cultural sensitivity, protect appropriate cultural practices (0) 7. Expand program for Kupuna. Increase number of programs and centers, more geographic locations (1) 8. Support the creation/expansion of Hawaiian agncultural, fisheries, and aquaculture practices (0) 9. After school programs for Hawaiian language students and those who want to leam (1) 10. Tutorial services for grades K-12 (1) 11. Day care for Hawaiian kids age 0-4 (1) 12. Substance abuse intervention and treatment for all ages (2) 13. More Hawaiian language in public schools through Kupuna program (0) 14. Assistance to put on a statewide Hawaiian language retreat for immersion program for kids and their families (money and logistics) (1) 15. Youth center services, especially on DHHL lands. Hawaiian studies, crafts, education and training (tie in

with Kula agriculture farm) (2) 16. Assure financial assistance/scholarships for all ages, life long learning (2) 17. Direct student assistance through scholarships for preschool/Hawaiian language immersion (1) 18. Extension of OHA's information and referral service by providing follow-up '0) 19. Health care from prenatal to 18 years (including paying for services for those who need financial help) (2) 20. Fermanent facility for Hawaiian language and culture (4) 21. Clearing house for potential homeowners; how to get loans (1) 22. Access to a'fordable housing especially for homeless (1) 23. Set up free preschool for Hawaiian children (1) 24. Eeonomie development, entrepreneurial programs, job training, loans, start up help, education (whole spectrum) (3) 25 Develop and implement alternative learning style curriculum for Hawaiian kids (3) 26. Full service bank for Hawaiians/Hawaiian owed (4) 27. Work in cooperation with other Hawaiian agenries to provide SPrvices/programs e.g. DHHL/OHA for affordable housing by providing money for infrastructure (3) 28. Education: scholarship, financial aid, develop curriculum, train educators, use Kupuna, KS/BE satellite schools (l1 29. Assure loans are available to all Hawaiians (3) 30. More programs for gifted and talented Hawaiian students (3) 31. Genealogy assistance guidance, i.e., a genealogist (0) Community Planning Meeting Maui, July 18 Attendance: 30 ( Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Register all Hawaiians to vote. Transport to polls (0) 2. Health care for Kupuna (9) 3. Support the Hawaiian langnage and culture through perpe'uation of Hawaiian medium instruction (8) 4. Scholarship assistance for KS/BE students to enable them to get degrees, then to return to support immersion programs (3) 5. Free grants for any Hawaiian children to pursue graduate degrees (13) 6. Programs for homeless Hawaiians (outreach) (0) 7. Assure Hawaiians on waiting list for homelands to get those lands (3) 8. Use OHA resources to aid infrastructure on DHHL (16) 9. Free school luneh for all enrolled Hawaiian children (0) 10. Help Hawaiians get off welfare (0) 1 1 . Unlike tenant water rights: a ) Discounted water fees for Hawaiians using water originating on ceded lands b) Hawaiian water rights follow the Hawaiian (11) 12. 50% subsidy for education costs for higher education (2) 13. Trust funds that make money (0) 14. Health and welfare, dental plans not based on ineome (0) 15. Quaiity pre-schools for Hawaiian children (free or affordable) (6) 16. Open up ceded lands presently used by nonbeneficiaries for use by Hawaiians (0) 17. Simplified financial aid/loan process (0) 18. Simplify/improve communication with benficiaries (3) 19. Insure financial assistance for legal costs of beneficiary ehoiee of lawyer regarding land disputes (2) 20. OHA assure "special" native Hawaiians provided support (special needs) (3) 21. Use resources to protect Hawaiian right to water in perpetuity. (1) 22. Assure native Hawaiian access (mountains-sea) (6) 23. Raise DHHL lease rents for those lands leased by non-Hawaiians (3) 24. Direct subsidies to native Hawaiians (eheek in the mail) (14) 25. Require teaching of Hawaiian history, culture in all areas of D.O.E. (3) 26. OHA-stop sale of 'aina to foreigners (2) 27. Get those on DHHL waiting lists on any development of affordable housing (17) 28. OHA use resources to assist in rehabilitation of Hawaiians in prison for reason other than murder or rape (3) 29. Free medical care for Kupuna (3) 30. Education, prevention, treatment for children and

adults involved with substance abuse (2) 31. Native Hawaiians (50%-plus) listed on the endangered species list (18) 32. Free legal service for litigation of issues (0) 33. Open up long term agricultural leases for DHHL lands now in non-Hawaiian hands (4) 34. Low-interest loans (land, home, car, basic needs) (6) 35. Hawaiian bank for Hawaiians (2) 36. Try to keep home related taxes low (1) 37. Trancportation servire for Kupuna unable to drive (shopping, doctor, etc.) (3) 38. Watchdog groups on eaeh island to monitor Trustee use of monies (1) 39. All Hawaiians tax exempt from State, Federal, and property taxes (20) 40. Create Trustees for native Hawaiian funds while keeping separate Trustees for non-native Hawaiian funds (1) 41. OHA assure that musical instruments available to all Hawaiian youth (2) 42. Hearing appliances for ail hearing impaired Hawaiians (0) 43. Open up ceded lands for housing for Hawaiians (3) 44. Continue worthwhile programs (2) 45. Day care assistance for working Hawaiian parents (1) 46. Transportation for out of district children attendinq Hawaiian immersion programs (3) 47. Re-claim stolen ceded lands (0) . 48. Free pre-natal care through age 21 (0) 49. Disseminate information regarding location of available ceded agriculture lands (0) 50. More flexibilitv with Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (0) 51. Programs to preserve and protect natural resources and environment, flora/fauna (indigenous & endemic) (1) 52. Hea!th and nutrition information program for all Hawaiians (2) 53. OHA subsidize community based taro farming (0) 54. OHA create department to assist Hawaiians to gain employment (2) 55. OHA Trustees take more active advocacy role in our communities (2) 56. Hawaiian owned businesses and families given immediate tax relief (0) 57. OHA post card inail outs regarding OHA sponsored community meetings (0) 58. Prog>am for abused Native Hawaiian women and children (1) 59. More money in centralized curriculum center for Hawaiian materials (1) 60. Education scholarships/tutoring/guidance/internships for high school (4) 61. More money towards Hawaiian language immersion program (5) 62. OHA find out what happened to Queen's Hospital benefits for Hawaiians (2) 63. Establish programs for Hawaiian youth at risk (0) 64. Comprehensive health care system (0) 65. Re-claim aboriginal rights. Example: fishing (2) 66. OHA resources support recreational functions for Hawaiians (2) 67. Hawaiians exempt from any S & L bailout assessment by federal government (0) 68. OHA provide funding for funeral and burial expenses for Hawaiians (0) 69. OHA lobby and get adverse possession law off the books (0) 70. OHA support Ka Lahui in goal of becoming a nation within a nation (16) 71. OHA implement an empowerment program for all Hawaiians (13) 72. OHA establish family support services branch (0) 73. OHA define definition of "Native Hawaiian beneficiaries" (1) 74. Develop or support training programs and consultant services for Hawaiian entrepreneurs to start or expand business (3) Agency Planning Meeting Kauai, July 18 Attendance: 4 ( Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Immersion program (2) 2. Educational/Information system: Statewide community bulletin, island specific, station with wide reception. Island clearing house on Hawaiian meetings, events, etc. Better coordination with all agencies (3) 3. Video of Kupuna (0) 4. How to work with Hawaiians (1) 5. OHA address discrimination, apathy, and alienation (0) continued on page 16

from page 15 6. After schooi program for gap group 6th - 8th grades (1) 7. Provide transportation for immersion program (1) 8. Develop Hawaiian resource development team to interphase existing and future eeonomie development projects i.e. EIS (2) 9. Eeonomie affirmative action; training for management level positions especially on ceded, crown land, and resort projects, etc. (1) 10. Self-help housing projects, affordable homes. Assistance in rent control. Check out Federal law on housing lands (4) 11. Develop community leadership program for Hawaiian community leadership representing people. Hawaiian agencies to support natural leadership and community based leaders (1) 12. Provide financial assistance (seed money) to small businesses i.e. child care projects (1) 13. Business and technical assistance on-going, island specifics (2) 14. Higher education assistance with gap group students (2) 15. Young adult program year round for gap group 1725 (alcoholism, GED, hi-tech, etc.) (1) 16. Provide Hawaiian counselors in intermediate/high schools (positive role model) (1) 17. Speed up DHHL awards process (1) 18. Outreach health care for Kupuna (treatment, etc.) by Hawaiians (1) 19. Provide summer program for kids on homestead; tutorial in reading (summer fun/education) (0) 20. Review law regardinq use of ex-offenders for child care provider license (0) 21. Food production assistance, financial, technical, marketing, eo-op, etc. (1) 22. Develop OHA island resource center. Inventory, catalog list, equipment, etc. (1) 23. Assist in supplementing "education & training" wage for work experience participants (1) Community Planning Meeting Kauai, July 18 Attendance: 39 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold) 1. Create land bank (0) 2. Hawaiian language classes in school (2) 3. Youth centers: employment, recreation, education. Sports education for children and teens on weekends. More activities for Hawaiian children on weekends and transportation to and from (9) 4. Home repair for Kupuna (0) 5. More Hawaiian education for non-resident Hawaiians (1) 6. Affordable housing (2) 7. Program for incarcerated Hawaiians by Hawaiians to decrease numbers (3) 8. Funds to support immersion programs, i.e. transportation, housing, and out of pocket expenses (2) 9. Scholarship program for Hawaiians in and out of state: secondary, higher education with work study (15) 10. Funds to process DHHL awards from waiting list including infrastructure. Expedite HHL waiting list especially for 100%. Expedite DHHL Master Plan: $ (17) 11. Grant-in-aid program for eeonomie deveiopment. Expand entrepreneur programs and loan program (2) 12. OHA develop self-sufficiency (1) 13. Kupuna center and housing (5) 14. More openings for Kamehameha School (4) 15. Medical center and care home facilities on homestead (9) 16. Purchase island of Ni'ihau (3) 17. Employment training (0) 18. Create health program for Hawaiian Ohana to include mental health, i.e. workshops, etc. (1) 19. Purchase HHL lands for those reside 25-plus years and 50% Hawaiians. Purchase HHL without lease by Hawaiians and if sell, only to Hawaiians (16) 20. Establish credit union for Hawaiians (2) 21. Supplement and not supplant existing services (0) 22. Establish in-service farmers grant for kuleana farmers (1) 23. Stop bombing of Kaho'olawe. Introduce Kaho'olawe as second Las Vegas to generate ineome for Hawaiians (0) 24. Development of reparation system to include monetary compensation (7) 25. Purchase and/or invest funds in business to employ

Hawaiians (4) 26. Tutoring classes for children and adults. Train and employ Hawaiians to tutor (possibly Kupuna tutors) (1) 27. Clarify "Hawaiian" definition (0) 28. Establish welfare program to get Hawaiians off welfare (2) 29. Expose more youths to legislative process (2) 30. Re-examine HHL leases held by plantations and non-Hawaiian farmers and update and charge more (4) 31. Legislative tax exemption to Kuleana land owners (2) 32. Compensate OHA Trustees (0) 33. Sliding scale to take care of 50%-plus, then take care 25% (1) 34. Develop community based culture center (to employ only Hawaiians) (1) 35. Return Queen's Hospital to Hawaiians (1) 36. Support vocational education (Alu Like) (2) 37. Mandate Hawaiian ianguage as graduate requirement (3) 38. Hawaiian nutrition program for children. Coordinate with Kupuna program (0) 39. Substance abuse program for Hawaiians or subsidize existing program (0) 40. Assistance to secure Hawaiian waters and land rights. lnclude free water to Hawaiian farmers (16) 41. Helping oeeanie institute (0) 42. Create counseling centers for Hawaiian Ohana (1) 43. Genealogical bank accessible to all interested Hawaiians (2) 44. OHA to complete demographic study to seek out as many Hawaiians as possible (0) 45. Money to establish Hawaiian studies center at eaeh community college especially Kauai and Maui (11) Agency Planning Meeting O'ahu, July 19 Attendance: 5 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Affordable housing - all incomes (2) 2. Education available for all Hawaiians and Native Hawaiians (3) 3. Temporary housing, including transitional for special needs (3) 4. Scholarship for post secondary (here and on the mainland) (1) 5. Child care services (full gamut) (3) 6. Health care: focus on prevention, access to/removal of barriers (4) 7. Centralization: co-locate Hawaiian agencies (1) 8. Substance abuse concems prevention, education, and treatment that is culturally appropriate (1) 9. Hawaiian cultural center or fine art academy to keep alive our culture (chant, dance, fine art). Hawaiian teachers share with all people of the state (5) 10. Financial management skills - personal, business; for survival, not necessarily enrichment (1) 11. Political empowerment - voter registration, understanding political process, being involved in political decision making (3) 12. Employment in upper management not just entry (need role models) (0) 13. Banking/credit, lending for Hawaiians - loans, low interest rates (2) 14. Language/culture, tutoring/training (not just English). All Hawaiians should have opportunity to leam their language and culture (2) 15. Entrepreneurial development (0) 16. Support for existing Hawaiian programs (e.g. Punana Leo) both public and private (2) 17. Hawaiian park (Hawaiian music concerts, hula mound), garden (medicinal plants, endangered plant and animal protection) (0) 18. More eommunieahon to Hawaiian community - radio, TV (1) 19. Places for elderly to receive different levels of care (2) Community Planning Meeting Honolulu, July 19 Attendance: 24 ( Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Multi-media communication. Branch-inand out state (electronic and print media, T.V., and film) (3) 2. Private corporation with Hawaiians as shareholders (0) 3. Hawaiian school system for Hawaiian children including Hawaiian language (7) 4. Hawaiian language mandatory for all grade

levels (8) 5. Administrative brokerage of services i.e. clearinghouse, programs. Money for administrative reasons only (1) 6. Publish ceded lands list and revenues, (identify all ceded lands) (18) 7. Financial planning for base of funds, conditions of agreement. What is the amount we are planning for? What was this based on? Average? Where amount lease rental - is it fixed? What are the conditions of the agreement - short term. What are the Trustees recommending? (12) 8. Creation of Hawaiian language and culture center, i.e. Marae system for meeting and exchange; education; parental support; Hawaiian history, culture, and language (2) 9. Funds to support active sovereignty groups, i.e. Pakaukau and Lahui to set up government in timely manner, workshop on sovereignty, Congress to develop government (4) 10. Hire best eiiminal lawyers to prosecute closeddoor d eal between OHA and state government regarding 1.4 plusmiilionacresofcededlands(14) 11. Develop federal programs to protect and assure trust assets of Hawaiians are protected. Hawaiians to be included in Native Americans Act. State and Federal accountability of funds to Hawaiians (9) 12. OHA's investment portfolio and stock market assets be sold immediately so funds go to Native Hawaiian programs (6) 13. Create legal team to sue for education of more Hawaiian students to include facilities on all islands. All school age children, handicapped, and non-traditional students (7) 14. Strive for nationhood as priority need (1) 15. OHA work with DHHL and state to reduce waiting Iist by providing infrastructures and awardinq land and enminal investigation of DHHL, state and OHA (8) 16. Monies for Hawaiian owned businesses including loans and assistance (0) 17. Create Hawaiian health information communication system to access health services, cultural diet, etc. Finance research projects. Support Hawaiian Health Care Act. Restore loi and fish ponds on Moloka'i. For communication, information, and research: - A system to support the Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988; - Names, addresses of Native Hawaiians assist in accessing services; - Public heahh education - media; - Re-establishing of cultural diet (Eeonomie Development to foster); - Funding of health projects (9) 18. OHA manage land (0) 19. OHA immediately separate from state and federal government. Voting by indigenous Hawaiians to elect officials of OHA (1) 20. Protect Hawaiian water rights (0) 21. Education of Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians about Hawaiian rights and programs. Start with Admissions Act audit, representation, account of funds and Hawaiian by blood percentage (5) 22. Why Trustees not at meetings? (1) 23. Balance of Administration cost to create more money until question of sovereignty solved (1) 24. No compromise of Hawaiian homelands or ceded lands (5) 25. Hawaiian summer eamp for youth (0) 26. Moratorium on all land movement in state. Permit only infrastructure for Hawaiians (4) 27. Be involved with EIS process from beginning to end. Program report made public no later than 10 days from start. OHA budget for investigation of all Hawaiian lands programmed for and undergoing development to ascertain if Hawaiian burial grounds, temples, cultural areas, artifacts, agricultural project, etc. are contained on those lands beginning with the first day of land clearing through the end of ground preparations stages on all private and government development projects ( 1) 28. Purchase television station and radio station (0) 29. Advocate for recovery of money due DHHL for free use of water (8) 30. Free legal services, wills, living trusts (1) 31. Trustees receive salaries and staff receive competitive salary (1) 32. Improvement: Ka Wai Ola O OHA, ceded lands bill copies; Hire writers to give all sides of Hawaiian issues; Advance notice of community meetings of OHA and other organizations that affect Hawaiians (0) 33. 30,000 homes over next 3 years. DHHL and Feds (0) 34. Reaffirm La'au Lapa'au in federal health bill, continued on page 17

frnm paae 16 recognize as medical process (1) 35. Advocacy programs for Hawaiian human and civil rights by best experts in Washington, D.C. (5) 36. Trustees consult Hawaiian community before deals are made (2) 37. Double eheek Ka Wai Ola list so every registered voter receives it (0) 38. Political development program for political candidates and community base leaders. Develop social political program for Hawaiian community to develop community resources (0) 39. Plebiscite on ced' d land bill (4) Agency Planning Meeting Hilo, July 19 Attendance: 9 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold) 1 . Training in vocational skills for high school kids (6) 2. Advocate, protect, and develop Hawaiian rights for oeean resources (8) 3 Support community attendance at workshops by providing financial assistance for attendance (0) 4. Educational assistance for all Hawaiians without regard to ineome level including all kinds of education (7) 5. Increase infrastructure to DHHL using ceded land revenues (3) 6. Support program of early prenatal care and education for families (3) 7. After cchool tutoring for Hawaiian children experiencing difficulty (1) 8. Indoor/outdoor activities geared for handicapped/retarded children and adults teaching culture and history in Hilo (1) 9. Free legal assistance for litigation and/or advice for elderly and handicapped (3) 10. Make housing available for handicapped in particular. and all Hawaiians (4) 11. Protect ceded land trusts via monitoring for benefit to Hawaiians whether sale, transfer, or whatever (4) 12. Eeonomie Development and entrepreneurial workshops on neighbor islands as well as Honolulu (1) 13. Comprehensive training and support programs offered on all islands (e.g. genealogy) (2) 14. Take high level leadership role to maximize coordination of service delivery to Hawaiian beneficiaries (1) 15. Develop program to ease access and eliminate barriers to services of all kinds (e.g. health) (0) 16. Free heahh care to elderly Hawaiians (6) 17. Volunteer program for one-on-one tutoring/companionship for retarded adults and children (2) 18. Physical therapy and devices for Hawaiians who have special needs and run into financial/bureaucratic barriers (e.g. orthotics, prosthesis) (4) 19. Contemporary approaches to traditional practices (i.e. aqriculture) (0) 20. Centralized clearing house regarding services/programs available to Hawaiians (0) 21. Elect Board of Trustees by island rather than at

large (2) 22. Traditional approaches to contemporary practices in health (i.e. lomiiomi, herbs) (2) 23. OHA get involved in united effort to assist all agencies with housing for Hawaiians (i.e self-help housing) resources (1) 24. Training/assistance in grants writingforcommunity groups and organizations (1) 25. Funds for admission fees to special events/functions for retarded Hawaiians (2) 26. Provide special free activities for retarded children/adults (i.e. Christmas party) (3) 27. Take leadership role in working with Hawaiian agencies to identify and provide access to Hawaiian owned and controlled undeveloped lands nn or near seashore (0) 28. Encourage and assist eoalihon of Hawaiian groups to provide educationaI workshops on Hawaiian sovereignty (1) 29. Develop teen mother support services to encourage continuitv of education or professional skill development to increase employability (0) 30. Respite care volunteer group for parents and families of disabled children during emergencies (4) 3 1 Provide eeonomie assistance and consultation to all Hawaiians at all levels in on-going entrepreneurial ventures. Could be loans. expansion financing, or projections for major expansions (5) 32. Governance/awareness to keep Hawaiians informed of all issues. Continue renresentation and advocacy at federal leveis (2) 33. Continue and expand OHA culturally relevant programs (2) 34. Provide funds for environmental modification in residences for disabled Hawaiians (i.e. ramps, railings) (2) Community Planning Meeting Pahala (Ka'u), July 19 Attendance: 15 (Votes received are in parentheses. Priority items are in bold.) 1. Promote business programs and opportunities of all kinds for Hawaiians (8) 2. Hawaiian business owners have preferential lease terms treatment on HHL (5) 3 Advocate for accelerated issuance of HHL leases in Kamaoa-Pueo (5) 4. Protect ancient burial sites (8) 5. Provide free or eheap legal assistance and representation for all types of legal needs (10) 6. When citing statistics: define part Hawaiian, especially when person only has a small amount (for example, inmates with only >4 Hawaiian are labeled part-Hawaiian instead of by their other \ (3) 7. Education for all of our people (5) 8. Help to unite Hawaiians to solve Hawaiian problems. Foster statewide agreements (2) 9. Hawaiian fishing school for school drop outs (6) 10. Focus more resources on rural communities (2) 11. Programs to help students who drop out (9) 12. Peaee officers instead of poliee officers (5) 13. Support substantive native rights such as personal values and life style. Allodial rights (4)

14. Use funds to achieve sovereignty (6) 15 Estab!ish Hawaiian sperm bank (only for Hawaiians) to preserve Hawaiian blood (8) 16. Affordable child care for working Hawaiian parents (9) 17. Provide free education and training to preserve oeean resources knowledge (or scholarships) (10) 18. Grants for Hawaiian families who do not qualify for financial assistance to KS/BE regardless of ineome or test based eligibility (16) 19. Establish trade schools for Hawaiians (plumber, electrician, contractor, etc.) (16) 20. Comprehensive medical services for Kupuna (9) 21. Get Hawaiian homelands to Hawaiians statewide (7) 22. Open up more HHL to Hawaiians (1) 23. OHA work with state to make more affordable housing to help homeless Hawaiians (7) 24. Assist with resources for Ka'u farmers such as grant writing and technical assistance (6) 25 Hawaiian school like KS/BE on every island (9) 26. All public schools offer Hawaiian language instruction by qualified Hawaiian instructors (9) 27. Exemption for Hawaiians from all oppressive state rules, regulations, and taxes (5) 28. Accelerate development of infrastructure on HHL (road, electricity, and water) (2) 29. Scholarships for college, post graduate Hawaiian students (5) 30. Eam more respect for successfully bringing Hawaiian agencies and organizations together (8) 31. Hurry up and put affordable housing on HHL land (3) 32. Encourage and make available life long learning possibilities (1) 33. Make available discussion groups for pressing problems facing Hawaiians (4) 34. Advocate for release of Hawaiians held as political prisoners for defending birthrights (6) 35. Contact original Konohiki with allodial title from King (6) 36. OHA must meet with Hawaiians to get input by working more with people and less with state (7) 37. Hawaiian literacy programs (5) 38. Develop and establish comprehensive insurance plans for Hawaiians (auto, homeowner, medical, and life) (10) 39. Control and recover all Hawaiian lands taken by government — State, Federal, County (airports) (9) 40. Prevent further foreign purchase of lands in Hawaii (11) 41 . Make available high-tech training and education for Hawaiian youngsters (2) 42. Encourage and support more Hawaiians participate in politics (1) 43. Board of Trustees make more effort on behalf of Ka'u Hawaiians (more meetings in Ka'u) (5) 44. OHA drop false parentage and do what they are supposed to do (5) 45. Prevent lowering of Hawaiian blood quantum (not less than 50%) same as now (10) 46. Make Trustee's positions on issues such as geothermal and space post, etc. public (13)

I These are my top priorities for the island of 1 2 3 4 | 5 6 | 7 Name and address j (You will be sent notice of budget hearing) Mail to: OHA Planning Process 1600 Kapi'olani Blvd., 15th floor Honolulu, Hawai'i 96814 I J