Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Diabetes clinics need help [ARTICLE]

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Diabetes clinics need help

The Diabetes Control Program of the Hawai'i State Department of Health needs volunteers (nurses, nurse's aides, and lay persons) to help with the registration, heights and weiqhts, blood pressure, and vision screening at free Diabetes Cnmplication Screening Clinics held throughout thr year Please eall Joyce Nishiive. RN, t the Diabetes Control Program. 548-6000. to volunteer.

Hawaiians now number over 200,000 people with approximately 140,000 possessing less than 50 percent blood. Are theyany less Hawaiian? No! All Hawaiians are entitled to a plaee in their homeland, and OHA is mandated by state law to serve all Hawaiians. Negotiations are continuing between the state and OHA to resolve this problem. We cannot expect the legislature to appropriate the funds because in OHA's 10-year history, they never have!

We ean expect to negotiate an additionai percentage of revenue generated on state eontrolled ceded lands to be paid to OHA for all Hawaiians. We ean also rightfully expect the state to convey to OHA a sufficient amount of lands to settle our people regardless of blood quantum. We eall for support of our objectives by all of Po'e Hawai'i. Imua!