Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — US Congress forum [ARTICLE]
US Congress forum
The League of Women Voters of Hawai'i invites the public to attend a free public forum at 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 28 where candidates for the U.S. Congress will be questioned on peaee issues including use of he "peaee dividend," homeporting, the Big Island spaceport, and human rights, including Native • Hawaiian rights. The forum will take plaee at the UH Manoa Campus Center. Co-sponsor is the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Spark M. Matsunaga Institute for Peaee. Peaee Institute associate director Rhoda Miller said a puhlie workshop is also planned the next day, Saturday, Sept. 29 at the UH Campus Center to discuss eeonomie issues, human rights (including Native Hawaiian rights) and peaee edueahon. Resource persons will be present to answer questions from the public.