Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 September 1990 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
(Si MANA will pay you to feed nutritious foods to children in your Iicensed family day care. If you have any questions about family day care, licensing or the Child Care Food Program, eall... MANA L 8»«J0 J — i 1 ~ ^iH Royal Feather Company, ine. is dedicated to the perpet3®*«® uation of quality Hauiaiian $(£$& featherwork. Materials that vro are readily available today are used to fashion the beau- $ f! tiful natural and dyed feathers ; 3> into a lei hulu foryour head, • neek, or hat. Gasses are avail- ] ] able. Group arrangements may be made. Mahalo foryour interest in this beautiftd art. "E hana keia Ia, e pulama ia la aku" (A cieation today, A treasure tomorrow) 98-027 Hekaha Street • Aieo, Hawail 96701 • 808-486-6079 Open Monday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. • 6:00 p.m. il 'i I I L. A. OR SAN FRAN. ...from $259 r/t ROCKY MTN. AREA ...from $449 r/t I MIDWEST AREA from $489 r/t | EAST COAST from $489 r/t | | $1~off each interisland c0up0n j īoll Free: 1-800-345-6248 _FAX:J-80_8-957 0056_ | Free delivery to most oreos. Fly/Drive ond | Air/Room/Cor pockoges ovoiloble. CALL F0R L0W 0NE WAY FARES 942-2855 _ FULL SERVICE AGENCY 2600 S. lūno Sf.. Suite 204 ' | | e)rperiefNCC in kona. ca« 329-2735 tours «1 trav©l ine. (um)w nw mono«e™n,) j Offer good while supply lcsts. Some Restrictions Apply. Present this eoupon when moking hwel orrongemenl5. IA #599^^