Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1990 — Hui Hoʻala looks for Hawaiian voters [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hui Hoʻala looks for Hawaiian voters

"By helping Hawaiians register to vote and get to the polls Hui Ho'ala is empowering our people." With those words, Haunani Apoliona of Alu Like Ine. outlined the voter registration and awareness drive launched by Hui Ho'ala, the Hawaiian voter education project. Statistics from previous elections show that less than half of the 133,000 Hawaiians who are eligible to vote will actually make it to the polls. And, Apoliona said, a great many Hawaiians who are already registered will not vote at all. Richard Paglinawan, OHA administrator said, "For the first time, all our Hawaiian organizations are working together to address the problems of non-voting among our people."

A door-to-door canvass to register Hawaiians to vote started in August on all the islands and will eonhnue through the election season. Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities. Information is available by calling 453-VOTE. Anyone interested in helping is asked to eall any member organization: Alu Like ine., the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the State Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, the State Council of Hawaiian Homestead Associations, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, E Ola Mau, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, Lunalilo Home and Papa Ola Lokahi. The Hui Ho'ala neighborhood canvassing schedule to register Hawaiian voters on O'ahu is as follows:

Sept. 1,2,3 (Districts 45 and 47) in Waipahu, Village Park and part of Ewa, Makakilo. Sept. 8,9 (Districts 47 and 33) Ewa, Makakilo and Pauoa, Nuuanu. Sept. 15, 16(Districts 33 and 18)Pauoa, Nuuanu, Maunawili, Enchanted Lake. Sept. 22, 23 (Districts 18 and 16) Maunawili, Enchanted Lake, Haiku, Heeia, Kaneohe Regional Park. Sept. 29, 30 (Districts 16 and 20) Haiku, Heeia, Kaneohe, Keolu, Waimanalo. • Sunday, Sept. 2 and Sunday, Oct. 7, Hui Ho'ala will be at the Bishop Museum Family Sundays to sign up Hawaiian voters. On Kaua'i, Thursday, Sept. 6, there will be a sign-up at the Alu Like Kupuna Project open house. Wikiwiki mail-in voter registration forms may be picked up at loeal post offices, at libraries, and from Hui Ho'ala organizations including OHA.