Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1990 — Summer jobs for youth [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Summer jobs for youth


(presented by Ka Wai Ola O OHA and Alu Like as a puhlie service )

Aiu Like will provide summer employment and training for Hawaiian and Native American youth through its Summer Youth Program. The program began June 18 but applications are still being accepted at all Alu Like island centers. Eligible youth must: • be Hawaiian, American Indian or Native American (no minimum blood quantum) • by 14 to 21 years of age at the time of the start date of employment

• meet certain family ineome requirements Applicants will need to show a birth certificate to prove Native Hawaiian or Native American ethnicity. Documents will also be needed to prove all forms of gross ineome from all sources by all members of the family for a 12-month period prior to applieahon. These include W-2 forms, tax documents, annuities, rental ineome and all other sources. Also required will be: applicant's social security card a Selective Service card (for males 18-years-old or over), a school identification card or driver's license, a work permit (ages 16-and 17-years-old), and certificate of employment CLI form (for those 14-and 15-years-old, one form for

eaeh new job). Training activities consist of: • classroom education — required summer courses (for high school, GED or vocational), with paid tuition and books (restrictions may apply). Students are paid $3.10 an hour. • on-the-job training through private sector employment at hired wage rate. • other work experience training at $3.85 per hour.

To apply contact the nearest Alu Like island center: • Hawai'i (Hilo) 32 Kinoole St. • Kaua'i (Lihue), 4334 Rice St. • Maui (Wailuku), 400 Hookahi St. #209 • O'ahu (Honolulu), 677 Ala Moana Blvd. • Wai'anae, 89-188 Farrington Highway, phone 668-2706 or 668-2830 • Waimanalo, 41-1347 Kalanianaole Highway. The Summer Youth program is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Indian and Native American Programs, JobTrainingPartnership Act.