Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 July 1990 — Drug-free workshop [ARTICLE]

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Drug-free workshop

Building a drug-free community is the aim of free family-oriented workshops being presented this month on O'ahu (July 6-7) and Kaua'i (July 13-14). The workshops will provide information and education to families about drugs, issues surrounding the use of drugs, and their impacts on individuals, families and the community.

The workshops on eaeh island begin at 6 p.m. on Friday. Dinner and luneh are provided, a!so free childcare (ages 3-12). Registration is limited to 100 participants. For information or to register eall the Coalition for a Drug-Free Hawai'i at 522-5050. Neighbor island residents may eall toll-free 1-800-782-8133. People may also eall the Kamehameha Schools Native Hawaiian Drug Free Schools program at 842-5802 or the Office of Hawaiian Affaris at 9462642.

These informal conferences are geared for the loeal Hawaiian communities and will include talk-story sessions to assess the drug problem in eaeh community, and sharingideasfor change. All meetings will feature members of the Alkali Lake Indian Band, whose group went from a rate of 100 percent alcoholism to 95 percent sobriety in 14 years, and by doing so regained their culture. They will show a documentary film, "The Honour of All," whieh tells of their experiences.