Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1990 — Remembrances of a life lived "By Royal Command" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Remembrances of a life lived "By Royal Command"

Book Bcvicw

By Ann L. Moore Curtis Pi'ehu Iaukea, born to a chiefly family, was chosen as the childhood playmate of the Prince of Hawai'i. When the young prince died he was sent away to be educated for service to the sovereigns. He met that obligation by serving three Hawaiian monarchs: Kamehameha V, Kalakaua and Liliu'okalani.

He travelled around the world as Kalakaua's representative to England, ltaly, France, Russia and Japan where he was received by the Emperor Meiji. He was King Kalakaua's envoy at the Russian Imperial Coronation of Czar Alexander III and he accompanied Queen Kapi'olani and the Crown Princess Liliu'okalani to the golden jubilee of England's Queen Victoria.

Iaukea was the man who stood vigil at the catafalque of King Kalakaua with the mourning of Dowager Queen Kapi'olani and then faithfully served the new Queen Liliu'okalani. Until Liliu'okalani was deposed he continued to live his life by royal command, an apt title for the book. "By Royal Command" includes many of Iaukea's personal memories of the Kingdom and the overthrow of the monarchy, asdictated to his daughter on her visits to him. The narrative is enhanced by some two dozen photographs.

A father reminisces aloud to his daughter about the fascinating events he has been part of as the book begins and the reader seems to be in a quiet shadow of the porch as they sit talking. The second half of the book may interest those unfamiliar with the events after the overthrow. The text borrows generously from previously published material including Liliu'okalani's "Hawaii's Story By Hawaii's Queen."

The author Lorna Kahilipuaokalani Iaukea Watson notes her father served Hawai'i until he died, at age 84, in Sept. 1940. He served Hawai'i when it was a monarchy, when it was under a provisional government, when Hawai'i was a republic and finally, when it became a territory of the United States. He was respected as a man of honor and integrity by all who worked with him as evidenced by some of the honors given him and an article written about him, following his death, whieh is reprinted in full in the appendix. The final section of the book, written after Curtis Pi'ehu Iaukea's death, lacks the anecdotal quality of the first half, and may lean too mueh towards the view of the annexationists to suit some. It is, nevertheless, a book that should be read by scholars for its unique perspective, and by the easual reader for its personal glimpses of a life spent at the command of three monarchs and three transitional governments.

laukea deep!y loved his kings and queens but his full heart did not blind him to their humanity. In the early chapters, Iaukea reminisces about his daily contacts with the royals and in the telling presents the reader with new perspectives on many widelyknown anecdotes concerning Hawaii's royal family.

Iaukea knew the human side of his monarchs well and he loved them, faults and all, and he served them faithfully. The book is a rare and thought-provoking glimpse into the life of a man who gave his heart into the service of the people and the plaee he loved most in the world, Hawai'i. "By Royal Command" is published by Hui Hanai, an auxiliary of the Queen Liliu'okalani Children's Trust. The book is available in hardcover ($19.95) and large-format softcover ($10.95) It is available in most Honolulu bookstores or may be ordered from the distributor Pacific Trade Group, 94-527 Puahi St. , Waipahu, Hawai'i, 96797.

An additional $2 per book should be included in the order to cover postage. For more information, people may eall 671-6735. Hui Hanai also publishes "Nana I Ke Kumu" ("L' ok To The Source") volumes I and II by Mary Kawena Pukui, E.W Haertig, M.D., and Catherine A. Lee. These two volumes are source books for Hawaiian cultural practices, concepts and beliefs illustrating the wisdom and dignity eontained in the cultural roots of every Hawaiian child. "Nana I Ke Kumu" is intended primarily for people who work with Hawaiians, especially in the helping professions, and for people interested in the comparative studies of cultures. Eaeh softcover volume is available at $8 per copy. Volume II is also available in hardcover for $16.

By Royal