Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1990 — Volunteers [ARTICLE]
By Elaine Tamashiro Volunteer Services Director Anyone who has not enro!led as a native Hawaiian, is asked to eall the OHA office and ask for Operation 'Ohana. We will be happy to help you complete the affidavit stating that you are a native Hawaiian. Just because you are registered as an OHA voter does not mean that you are automatically registered under Operation 'Ohana. The 'ohana is a separate process. The enrollment process is like a Hawaiian
census. You are given a yellow copy to keep for phase two, if you are enrolled. Phase I of Operation 'Ohana is on enrollment, phase II is on genealogy and phase III is on entitlements. If you have any questions especially on whether or not you are enrolled in Operation 'Ohana eall us at 946-2642. If you are in the Honolulu area, drop by the
OHA office at 1600 Kapi'olani Blvd. in the Pan Am building on the 15th floor during work hours and register to vote for OHA and/or enroll as a native Hawaiian. To our valuable volunteer deputy enrollment registrars, Mahalo! Keep turning in your eompleted enrollment forms. If you are through enrolling your 'ohana and are willing to help others, eall for re-assignments.
Mahalo especially to our mainland registrars who have been so good about mailing their eompleted enrollment forms promptly. Your help is certainly appreciated. Sorry you have not been able to talk to me when you eall. The best time to reach me with a eall is 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hawai'i time. Do not hesitate to eall us if you have any questions on Operation 'Ohana or need help to eomplete the enrollment forms.