Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1990 — OHA supplemental and regular budget approved [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA supplemental and regular budget approved

The combined Office of Hawaiian Affairs supplemental and regular budget appropriation for 1990-91, the second year of the biennium is $4.9 million. The amount consists of the amount approved in the 1989 legislature for the second year of OHA's biennium budget, plus a supplemental budget request. Appropriations from general and matching special funds made in the final bill are as follows:

Administration and policy $594,368 Administrative services $712,952 Culture $141,212 Eeonomie Development $361,840 Education $360,782 Govemment/Community Affairs$371, 014 Human Resources $145,489 Land and Natural Resources $640,045 Planning and Research $312,598 Public Information $305,168

The above figures represent no increased funding for culture, eeonomie development, public information, planning and research division operations over what was approved last year. Adjustments were made in other division budgets as follows:

• $3,600 was provided for grant-writing assistanee to neighbor islands; • $56,000 originally earmarked to cover Papa Ola Lokahi administrative costs was rescinded since anticipated federal funds have since been approved for this purpose; • $254,162 was authorized to enable OHA to ob-

tain larger office space in a planned expansion at its current loeahon on the 15th floor of the Pan Am building at 1600 Kapiolani Boulevard; • $73,500 was added to hire two O'ahu eommunity resource specialists and a clerk in both the Maui and Moloka'i OHA offices;

• $1,076 was approved to the Land and Natural Resources division for environmental impact/statements of projects under review; • $45,146 was allocated for a volunteer coordinator and data processing clerk to carry out OHA's Operation 'Ohana enrollment of Hawaiians;

• $45,405 was specifically earmarked by the legislature to cover in-state travel for OHA trustees and staff to present the OHA budget to the Hawaiian community at one public hearing on eaeh island;

• $ 100 ,000 was allocated to complete the second phase of the Hui Imi Task Force on Hawaiian Services master plan whieh will coordinate services by public and private groups to native Hawaiians and Hawaiians, and to budget funds effectively for that purpose. OHA is the lead agency coordinating the task force.