Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 7, 1 July 1990 — Na Mele No Na Ali ʻi coming July 27, 28 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Na Mele No Na Ali ʻi coming July 27, 28

Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club Choral group will present "Na Mele No Na Ali'i,"an evening of Hawaiian songs and hula, Friday, July 27, and Saturday, July 28, at 7:30 p.m. eaeh night at the Dr. Richard Mamiya Theater on the St. Louis High School campus.

Directed by Kyle Mahi Mon, the concert will feature music honoring the Kamehameha dynasty, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, King Kalakaua, Queen Lili'uokalani, Princess Ka'iulani and Prince Kuhio.

Guest artists include Kahauanu Lake and Kuliaikanu'u, Patricia Lei Anderson Murray, Marlene Sai, Palani Vaughn, and Leina'ala Kalama Heine and Na Pualei O Liko Lehua. They will honor or portray various ali'i. A $15 donation is requested for admission. Proceeds will go to the Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club scholarship fund for students of Hawaiian ancestry. For tickets eall 735-9608 or 533-0343.