Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 6, 1 June 1990 — Not too late for census [ARTICLE]
Not too late for census
Census Bureau officials have issued a strong appeal for residents who were asked to mail back their 1990 Census questionnaires to do so as soon as possible. "There's still time," said Leo Schilling, regional director for the seven-state Seattle region. "We are pleased with the response to date," said Schilling, "but 1 cannot emphasize enough the importance of eaeh household's returning its questionnaires. For every one percent of questionnaires returned nationwide," Schilling stated, "$11 million of personal followup costs are saved." Residents will either mail the completed form to district offices, or hold them until a census worker calls to piek them up, depending upon instructions on the questionnaire itself. Generally, urban residents and larger communities in rural areas are in mail-out, mail-back areas, while all other rural residents are in mail-out, piek-up areas (called "List/Enumerate"). Most households receive a 14-question short form, whieh takes about 10 minutes to complete. Other residents will be randomly selected to receive a long form, with 43 additional questions. Individuals who have questions concerning the census.questionnaire may eall 1-800-999-1990.