Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 6, 1 June 1990 — Polling places change for 1990 [ARTICLE]
Polling places change for 1990
The 1990 elections will bringelection volunteers and voters at least seven polling-place changes. The changes were made following requests by voters, legislators and county clerks. Hawai'i County: Olaa First Hawaiian Church Hall will replace Kurtistown Park Pavilion (01-07). The pavilion ean no longer accommodate the growing number of voters in the precinct. Hilo Intermediate School Cafeteria will replace the Hilo Women's Clubhouse (03-07) The change was requested because of insufficient parking at the clubhouse. City and County of Honoiulu: Manana Elementary School, Building A, will replace Trinity United Methodist Church (11-06). The change was made because the church was not conveniently located for voters in the precinct. St. Mark's School will replace WaikikiKapahulu Library (26-02). The library will be under renovation and will not be ready for the elections. Pearl City Elementary School Cafeteria (44-05) will be a new polling plaee for approximately 800 voters who previously voted at Manana Elementary School Cafeteria (44-01). The change was made because the school was not a convenient loeahon for those voters, Manana's cafeteria will continue to be a polling site for other voters in District-Precinct (44-01). Honowai Elementary School Cafeteria (45-06) in Waipahu will be the new polling plaee for approximately 800 voters from Hoaeae Community Park (45-04). The change was made because the park was not conveniently located for those voters. Due to this change, Honowai's cafeteria will be divided in half to serve two precincts. Mililani High School Gym (11-08) will be a new polling plaee for approximately 1,750 voters who previously voted at Mililani High School Cafeteria. The new site will accommodate populahon growth in the Central O'ahu district. Mililani High's cafeteria will eonhnue to be used by other voters in District-Precinct 11-04.