Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 6, 1 Iune 1990 — Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
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Homeoivners! Upgrade your proudest possession and increase the value ofperhaps your largest asset. For home improvements and life's other important needs, open a Eankoh Home Equity CreditLine and get $10,000 to $200,000 — plus hundreds ofdollars in ineome tax interest deductions. (Your tax advisor will tell you how mueh.) The money's waiting and approval costs nothing! Now through ]une 29, 1990, ABSOLUTELYNO FEES! NO POINTS. NO CLOSING COSTS. NO APPRAISAL FEE. AND A GUARANTEED THREE-BUSINESS-DAY CREDIT DECISION. Also, you're protected against rising interest rates with a rate ceiling. Today's 12.3% Annual Percentage Rate, good through June30th, ean change quarterly, but can't rise more than 3% ina year or more than 8 % over the life ofthe credit line (for a possible maximum A.P.R. of20.3%). M Apply at any branch or use the eoupon below. I Improving the comforts of home, ready money for special goals M and a tax break! That's what it takes to be your bank. W W Bankof Hawaii HAWAII'SBANK 0
GUARANTEED FASTCREDIT DEC1S10N: Now through ]une29. 1990, if we take more than three business days to get back to you, we'll pay you $25 for eaeh extra business day up to $100.
I 1 I I BANK OF HAWAII, Marketing Services Division, P. O. Box3163, Honolulu, HI 96802-3163. | SEND ME AN APPLICATION FOR A "NO-FEE" BANKOH HOME EQUITY CREDITLINE. Raise my standard ofliving. I Name Address Zip Phone( Day) Completed applieaūon must be received at the Bank by close of business on ]une 29, 1990. J I