Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 5, 1 Mei 1990 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
~ASIBASSADOR F0R PEACFT : | \ J l Official Proclamation e' i f I i ; 1 1 j Mr. Andrew K. Enos < ^ %' lt i s a great honor and pleasure to express ihe ever-lasling < S | | < gralitude of the Republic of Korea and our people for ihe < *. \ j * tervice you and your countrymen have performed in restoring : ? ' « ] a nd prescrving our freedom and indepcndcnce. < g g ! IV* cherish in our hearts Ihe memory of your boundless < ||^•crifices in helping us re-establish our Free Nation. < 2 In grateful recognition of your dedicated contributions, it is < . i? uy prirtlege to proclaim you an "AMBASSADOR F0R PEACE" / ■ $ ki th every good uish of the people of the Republic of Koeea. r C ī| Lei eaeh of us reaffirm our mulual respect and friendship that < g tkey may endure for generations lo eome. : jj \ || 12 April 1990 \ | l l I | Jaan ,rtl So ' \ T G*neral, ROKA,Rel 'ā j The Korean Velerani Aeeoa'alion i
TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES W0RD PR0CESS0RS • SECRETARIES • TYPISTS DATA ENTRY 0PERAT0RS • RECEPTIONISTS SWITCHBOARD • ACCOUNTING CLERKS UGHTINDUSTRIALWORKERS • BENEFITS • High Weekly Poy, Vocation & Hottdoy Poy, HMSA or Kaiser, Free Word Processng Troining (quolfied opplicants) MANPCWERS© TEMPOR*Rv Sf RVICES ® H0N01ULU 524-3630 PfARUilDGf 487-0009 lMHrnip=1 Television and telephone jack moves. Key phone systems up installation service. Residential to 6 lines available. Call John at prewiring, extension and 261-4948. Classified Advertising Rates Just-$12 per eolumn ineh plus .50 percent tax (arproximately 1 in. long x 1 1/2 ineh wide). Up to 24 words per ineh! To qualify for this low classified rate, we must request that ads not include artwork or other special lavout requirements. To plaee an ad with us. eall 943-8599, or use the convenient form helow. Ail ads must be prepaid Clip form and mail with payment to_ lnnovation. P.O Box 62155. Honolulu. Hawai'i. 96839
r } I I 1 2 3 I I 4 5 6 7 8 9 I I 10 11 12 J I I 13 14 15 I I 16 17 18 I I 19 20 21 I I 22 23 24 I I Clip form and mail with payment to: Innovation, P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu, Hawaii 96839. L I