Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 5, 1 Mei 1990 — Na Pua Noʻeau scholarships offered Hawaiian children [ARTICLE]
Na Pua Noʻeau scholarships offered Hawaiian children
The Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children at the University of Hawai'i, Hilo, will conduct a summer institute to provide educational enrichment opportunities for Hawaiian and part-Hawaiian children. The deadline for applieahon submission is May 25. Children of Hawaiian ancestry who will be eompleting grades six thru 11 by June 1990 may apply for several programs being offered by the center. In addition scholarships will be offered to students to participate in other designated programs. Both the Na Pua No'eau Summer Institute programs and the scholarship opportunities are listed below. Na Pua No'eau Summer Institute Programs The institute will be conducting both a day program and a boarding program for students who will be completing grades six through 11 by June June 1990. The programs ranging in length from one to four weeks, include: visual and performing arts, Hokule'a Voyaging Canoe, field geography, intensive Hawaiian language, aquaculture, and video production. These programs begin in July. Existing programs The programs for whieh limited scholarship
opportunities are available include the summer program for the Enhancement of Basic Education, Hawai'i Student Science Training Program, and the Vulcans Hawai'i Basketball School. The institute will also offer scholarship opportunities for the following courses offered through the UH Hilo Center for Continuing Education and Community Services Summer Youth Program: Our Songs and Dances (K-l-2), Our Hawaiian Environment (3-4), Hawaiian Handicrafts (4-5-6), and Mo'olelo: Creating Hawaiian Stories (5-6). These programs will start in June 1990. This program is only offered to children who live on the island of Hawai'i. Brochures describing the programs may be obtained from the Na Pua No'eau office and the offices of the following Hawaiian agencies: Alu Like, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Queen Liliu'okalani Children's Center, and Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. The student applications may be obtained now from the same locations listed above. The deadline for submitting applications is May 25. For further information contact Na Pua No'eau, Center for Gifted and Talented Native Hawaiian Children, University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-4091, telephone 933-3678.