Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 5, 1 May 1990 — Hawaiian library projects [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian library projects
The goals of the Native Hawaiian Library Project are to increase the availability of library resources by providing cultural, historieal and informational resources appropriate to Native Hawaiian needs and interests. NHLP also provides employment opportunities for Native Hawaiians in library and information services. The latest addition to the teaching eolleetion is a computerized catalogue completed in cooperation with the UH Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. Funding of $15,881 was provided for a cataloging and training project to provide computerized bibliographic access to research and historical documents regarding land in Hawai'i. The Hawaiian Archaeological Teaching Collection was started in 1982 with funding from two educational improvement grants and from the Alu Like ine. Native Hawaiian Library Project. It is housed at Hamilton Library at the University of Hawai'i. Its main purpose is to gather archaeological material and make it accessible to the library system. The teaching collection project was developed through the cooperative efforts of the Historic Sites Section of the Hawai'i State Department of Land and Natural Resources, the Bernice P. Bishop Museum Department of Anthropology and the Museum library, and the Hawaiian eolleetion at the University of Hawai'i.