Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 5, 1 Mei 1990 — Public invited to join celebration [ARTICLE]
Public invited to join celebration
The Royal Order of Kamehameha I will eelebrate its 125th Anniversary Commemoration at the 60th Papa Ali'i Convention Aug. 24-26 at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki. The public is invited. Members will convene in regular form and conduct the business of the historical organization with special celebrations. These include a Royal Ball on Friday Aug. 24, and a Royal Banquet with the Brothers Cazimero on Saturday Aug. 25. Official closure of the 60th Papa Ali'i will be eelebrated with a private service at the Royal Mausoleum followed by a Royal Worship Service and a Royal Paina at Kawaiaha'o Church. Reservations for the Royal Ball and the banquet are necessary. For further information eall, Ali'i Franklin Pao at 735-4819. Hawaii's Gov. John Waihe'e has proclaimed the Commemorate 125th Anniversary Celebration in honor of The Royal Order of Kamehameha I. The order was founded by Lot Kamehameha Kamehameha V in honor of his grandfather Kamehameha the Great. The Royal Order of Kamehameha I was established on Apnl 11, 1865. Purposes of the organization were simply and clearly stated in the promulgation decree published in the Hawaiian Gazette on April 29, 1865: "to cultivate and develop among Our subjects the feelings of Honor and Loyalty to our Dynasty and its institutions, and to confer honorary distinctions upon such of Our subjects and foreigners as have rendered or may hereafter render to Our Dynasty and People important services." In 1865 the Hawaiian kingdom was in jeopardy and at risk. The formation of the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, or so it appears, was an attempt by Kamehameha V to consolidate forces at home and abroad to join in support of the Kingdom of Hawaii's remaining an independent monarchy.