Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 4, 1 April 1990 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kamehameha is in \bur Neighborhood
Whether you are from Kona, Kekaha or Kaunakakai, you are our neighbor! Kamehameha Trave!ing Prcschool tcachcrs llaunani Vannatta anil Mclodic NaluaiVcga display thc amazing array of cducational matcrials that thcir classroom-on-whccls transports to sclcctcd Windward O'ahu sitcs twice wcckly I hcy introducc two- and thrce-year-olds and their carcgivcrs to activitics that will prcpnrc lliem for a lifetimc of lcarning. Thc Travcling Prcschool program also scrvcs familics in Kalihi, Ma'ili, Waimanalo and Kona frcc of chargc. Thc program is fundcd by a grant from thc fedcral govcrnmcnt. Kamehameha Schools/Bcrn iee Pauahi Bishop Estatc
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