Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 February 1990 — Poster offered for earth deeds [ARTICLE]

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Poster offered for earth deeds

"What ean people do to help our Island environment? What things, small or large, are you doing to save the environment?" The state Office of Environmental Quality Con trol wants answers to those two questions. Replies should be addressed to Earth Deeds/Earth Thoughts, 465 South King St. , OEQC, Room 104, Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96813. OEQC will publish the answers it receives in the second issue of Ahupua'a and in its annual report to the legislature. The effort by OEQC to find out how individuals are frving to help the environment ties in with the 20th Earth Day in April. Marvin T. Miura, director of OEQC, said responses already received include: recycling plastic bags, using solar water heaters, using fans instead of air conditioners, asking for paper bags instead of plastic at supermarkets, planting native plants, walking when possible instead of using the car. Many concerned people have answered already, Miura said, and OEQC wants to hear from the native Hawaiian community. A nene goose poster will be sent to Ka Wai Ola O OHA readers who respond to the OEQC request. I i

' Mail to: | Earth Deeds/Thoughts, OEQC-Room 104, | 465 South King St., | Honolulu, Hawai'i, 96813 j Earth Thought: I think the environment would ■ be improved if I i I ! Earth Deed: To help the environment I | i i Please send my poster to: (Name) I (Address) I | (City/State) J | (Zip) !