Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 February 1990 — Kupuna to convene April 27-29 [ARTICLE]
Kupuna to convene April 27-29
OHA's education-culture division is hosting the third annual 'Aha Kupuna — Ku'ikahi A Na Kupuna, a conference on being kupuna, April2729 on O'ahu. Betty Kawohiokalani Jenkins, kupuna alaka'i along with kupuna kako'o, Pearl Ulunui Garmon and Maile Vargo announced the theme for this year's 'aha will be "Mai Ka Lani Ma Ka Wai O Ke Ola," (from the heaven comes the water of life.) The theme was selected after a year of working intensively with kupuna on na waiwai o ke ola or Hawaiian values. Water, wai (and kai) is important to the Hawaiian. Explorations in various aspects of water will be pursued. The conference will also tie in last year's theme "Ho'oulu i ka 'Olelo Makuahine" (let the mother tongue flourish) with kupuna reports on their commitment to language growth.
'Aha Kupuna will be held Apnl 27, 28 and 29, 1990 at the Princess Ka'iulani Hotel, Waikiki, O'ahu. Detailed information and registration paekets may be obtained by calling OHA's educationculture division at 946-2642. Participation is limited to 200. Those who are kupuna (Hawaiian grandparcnts and/or 55-plus years) should pre-register before April 6. Late registration will be received as long as spaces are available. People interested in staying at Princess Ka'iulani Hotel should mention that when they eall to register. There is a conference registration fee. Members of the conference planning committee are: Peter Ching, Pikake Wahilani, Yuki Kaneshiro, Nadine Malilay, Harriett 0'Sullivan and Elizabeth Ellis.