Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1990 — Hawaii voter slogan wins recognition national honorable mention award [ARTICLE]
Hawaii voter slogan wins recognition national honorable mention award
One of Hawaii's two entries in the National Voter Slogan Contest was among the four slogans selected as national winners, and captured an honorable mention award. Sara A. Tompkison's slogan, "The freedom to choose is yours to use . . . Vote in 1990," was one of the four winners in the national phase of the contest whieh was sponsored by the Advertising Council and the Department of Defense. Tompkison, from Honolulu, was the second plaee overall winner and the adult division winner in the Hawai'i Voter Slogan Contest. "This is the first time Hawai'i has produced a
national winner since it began participating in the competition," said Lt. Gov. Ben Cayetano, the state's chief eleehon officer. Dee Brown of Honolulu, who penned the slogan "A little vote makes a big difference," was first plaee overall winner and elementary division winner in the state contest. As the top two statewide winners, Tompkison's and Brown's slogans represented Hawai'i in the national contest. The national first-place winning slogan was "Vote. Amenea is counting on it." by Harry F. Parsons of Norfolk, Viriginia.