Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1990 — Kawaiahao Church offers free program [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kawaiahao Church offers free program

An Eeumenieal Choral Celebration to eommemorate the laying of Kawaiaha'o Church's cornerstone 150 years ago will take plaee on Sunday, Feb. 4 at 4 p.m. at Kawaiaha'o Church. The public is invited. There is no admission charge. The church choir will host choirs from historic Honolulu churches. They are St. Andrews Cathedral (Episcopal), Central Union Church (United Church of Christ), Kaumakapili Church (United Church of Christ) and The Cathedral Church of Our Lady of Peaee (Roman Catholic). Eaeh choir will perform two anthems, either a eappella or with orchestral and/or organ aeeompaniment. Featured will be four anthems: "Upon This Rock" by John Ness, "Loko Mai Kai" (Amazing Grace) arr. by Buddy Naluai, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" by John Rutter and "He Nani o Iehova" (Gloria In Excelsis 12th Mass) by W.A. Mozart performed by the combined choirs. The concert is co-sponsored by the Kawaiaha'o Church Ministry of Music and Performing Arts and the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. For further information, contact Buddy Naluai at 808-522-1333.