Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 January 1990 — Are we one people? [ARTICLE]
Are we one people?
OFFICIAL BALLOT Offīce of Hawiiian AfTairs REFERENDUM Retum by mail in Eccompanytn| env!elope Postmarke4 no later than Midmght JANUARY 25, 1990 Pleaae removo and mtain thta stub as proo( 01 wtlno I As it defines the beneliciarie8 of the Otfice I «x °f Hawaiian Affairs tru»t and entitlements, w t >88 should the term "Nativ« Hawallan" mean w L >88 ail descendants of the indigenous people w i| c inhabiting the Hawanan lslands prior to m [ »1 1778?" ® K5M YES + INO + I ka ho ākaaka ana o wai na mea e X?y pōmaika'i ana i ni pono mai OHA Ke 8« nlnau nei inā he mea kupono e ho'okomo §& pū me ka hua 'ōlelo "Oiwi Hawai'i" nā 8o< mamo a pau a nā po e I noho ma Hawai'i 88j ma mua o ka makahiki 1 778 88 'AE + A'OLE + 1. This ōelinilion aall auui» unlv to Ihe
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IMPORTANT: nopostage to be counted, ballot muit be necessary , ' , . .. IFMAILED postmarked no than inthe Midnight, January 25, 1 990 unitedstates ■ BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRSTCLASS MAIL PERMIT NO, 5042 HONOLULU, Hl ^ ^ — 1 POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS Z REFERENDUM ELECTION RO. BOX 380014 HONOLULU, Hl 96838-9984 lliliiilliiliiliiilliliilililiililiiliiliilnlilliil
-inside Be sure your vote is counted in plebiscite 1 New book on Ni'ihau published page 3 Questions & Answers on the OHA Blueprint page 7 1990 Census your ehanee to be counted Hawaiian page 8 Leukemia patient appeals for help page 9 Blood quantum: what it means for federal services page 14