Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1990 — "Maui Mouse's Supper" new book for children [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

"Maui Mouse's Supper" new book for children

"Maui Mouse's Supper" is the story of a hungry mouse who finds her way into a loeal house and, through trial and error, succeeds in concocting a delicious supper from loeal Hawaiian foods. Large type, simple sentence structure, and repetitions make "Maui Mouse's Supper" appealing to the beginning reader. The colorful illustrations of the mouse's misadventures and eventual success will delight readers of all ages. Like author/illustrator Marilyn Kahalewai's first book, "Whose Slippers Are Those?", "Maui Mouse's Supper" is a book with whieh loeal children will identify and whieh visitors to Hawaii could take home as a memento of Island culture. Kahalewai lives in Kaneohe. She has illustrated many books for children and adults and wrote "Maui Mouse's Supper" and "Whose Slippers Are Those?" for her grandchildren. "Maui Mouse's Supper" is availabie at loeal book outlets for $7.95 or may be ordered directly from the publisher for $9.95 postage paid. Write to Bess Press, P.O. Box 22388, Honolulu, HI 96822.