Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 January 1990 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer

A regular business meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees was held Thursday, Dec. 7, at OHA's Honolulu office in the PanAm building. Present were Chairman Kaulukukui and Trustees Akaka, Ching, DeSoto, Hao and Kahaialii. Trustees Burgess, Keale, and Mahoe were excused. Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Task Force Task Force Chair Lydia Namahana Maioho and vice-chair Rev. Leon Sterling presented, to the board of trustees the draft interim report of the Native Hawaiian Historic Preservation Task Force. Maioho noted that the task force has identified several important weaknesses in existing state laws that relate to historic preservation and that a separate legislative package to correct those problems will be submitted to the trustees. She also suggested that the board might wish to consider proposing amendments to federal law as well. The trustees voted unanimously to accept the report, subject to possible further recommendations by the board. Any such recommendations were to be submitted by Dec. 15.. Pearl Harbor Day observance Chairman Kaulukukui noted that Dec. 7 was the 48th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. He asked those present at the meeting to observe a moment of silent prayer in memory of those who gave their lives in defense of their country. Report of the Committee on Operations & Development 1. Supplemental Budget Approval The board unanimously approved submission of the supplemental budget for fiscal year 19901991. The budget request totals $1,293,553 of whieh $1,184,649 is to be financed by general

funds and $108,904 from special funds. 2. U.H. Law School Extern Program Water Registration Project A motion was approved unanimously to authorize the expenditure of $7,000 from the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund to support the extern program in its efforts to identify and protect Native Hawaiian water rights. 3. Native Hawaiian Burials Seminar The board unanimously approved the expenditure of $1,500 from the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund for costs associated with co-sponsorship of a one-day "Seminar on Native Hawaiian Burials." 4. Pele Defense Fund The trustees unanimously voted to approve the expenditure of $2,000 from the Native Hawaiian Rights Fund to the Pele Defense Fund for expenses associated with the showing of their videotape "Pele's Appeal." The expenditure is conditioned on public acknowledgement of OHA's involvement and participation. 5. Salary adjustments Unanimous approval was given to a request to provide salary adjustments for the administrator and deputy administrator and for salary adjustments for OHA employees excluded from Chapters 76 and 77, HRS, and from collective bargaining. The request would pay the OHA administrator and deputy administrator salaries equal to a state department headand deputyasof Jan. 1, 1989 and Jan. 1, 1990. Funds in this request will also allow OHA to provide compensation adjustments to its employees equal to adjustments other state officers and employees will receive on July 1, 1990. 6. OHA office space Unanimous approval was given to maintaining OHA's main office at its present location (1600 Kapiolani Blvd.) beyond May 30, 1990 with the knowledge that additional funding for lease rent is included in the supplemental budget. 7. Planning services contract The board unanimously approved a contract to the firm "Integrated Outcomes" for planning services including: (1) developing a plan for implementation of I Luna A'e and (2) development of eight division plans, including an organization mission statement, program objectives and action plans. Compensation to "Integrated Outcomes" will range between $21,500 and $26,000 depending on options selected by OHA. The plans will assist OHA in implementing programs to conform with its master plan goals and objectives. Committee on Programs A recommendation from the Committee on Programs to oppose a request for a conservation district use application filed by the Hemmeter Corporation for the construction of a golf course at Ahukini, Kaua'i, was adopted unanimously.

Committee on Native Hawaiian Status the Entitlements 1. The following recommendations were adopted unanimously: a. To accept a resolution submitting to qualified OHA voters the proposal that a single class of Native Hawaiian beneficiaries be established for OHA programs. b. To accept the ballot package for the single Native Hawaiian definition plebiscite. c.To accept "Rules for the Conduct of the Plebiscite." 2. The board also voted unanimously to "reaffirm its empowerment of the Committee on Native Hawaiian Status and Entitlements to conduct negotiations, subject to the final approval of the board, with the office of the Governor on OHA entitlements to revenues from ceded lands consistent with the following principles of negotiation: "That the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of T rustees is negotiating a settlement for all Hawaiians. That the current laek of identification regarding an ineome category does not waive or bar future negotiations regarding such an item." Ratifications of actions taken in executive session 1. To hire Tiona Wailehuaasclerk-stenographer II for the board of trustees. 2. To hire Yolanda Agena as clerk-typist I for the Kaua'i OHA office 3. To hire Leimana DaMate asclerk-typist lfor the Kona office. 4. To hire Lisa Ann Rodrigues as secretary I for the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund Program. Meeting Schedule The next business meeting of the board of trustees was set for Dec. 22, at OHA's Honolulu office.