Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1990 — Four success stories [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Four success stories
By Roxcie L. Waltjen Alu Like counselor Christina Kurihara applied at Alu Like's Employment and Training Program after graduation from high school. She was immediately placed in the Summer Youth Employment and Training Program. During her six-week term she trainedas a salesclerk/interpreter for the Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. She gained interpersonal skills and was exposed to various sales techniques and equipment. Upon eomplehon of her summer program an assessment was completed and Christina was enrolled in the adult program. She was sent for an interview with Kam Dental Group, ine. Although apprehensive about the dental assistant position, she put her best foot forward, her best attitude on, and was hired on the spot! Christina entered the on-the-job training program and received training in diagnostic, operative, surgical, peridontal preventive and endodontic procedures. She also trained in patient care, elinieal support functions and patient dental recordkeeping.
Yvonne Lee first eame to Alu Like in August 1988 to see what services were available to her. She was referred by the state unemployment agency. Yvonne was working 17 hours a week asa Chapter 1 tutor at Pahoa SchooI. She enjoyedher work but it did not generate enough ineome or keep her busy enough. Yvonne was thrilled to hear about an opening as a museum interpreter with the Lyman House Memorial Museum. She was very interested in Hawaiian culture. She applied and was accepted for the position and was placed in Alu Like's on-the-job training (OJT) program. She was very happy with the work she was involved with and successfully completed the training program, gaining mueh knowledge. Several months later the director of Lyman House Memorial Museum called Alu Like to say he wanted to promote her to a position of outreach instructor. Alu Like was able to plaee her in the upgrading training program.» Yvonne now conducts classes on early Hawaiian culture and history for school children and community adult groups. Yvonne says, "Mahalo nui loa to Alu Like. Who would think that my hobby of reading Hawaiiana would turn out to be my vocation? I am really pleased with what Alu Like did for me."
Alva Kamalani and Delphine Tupe never dreamed they would one day be assistant managers within one of America's leading corporations, McDonald's. Both Alva and Delphine ("Phina") had recently left positions with a supermarket ehain to look for something that could offer them a ehanee for advancement. After applying at Alu Like, ine. they were immediately sent for an interview with Robert Leopoldino, owner and operator of the new McDonald's of Waimea. Overwhelmed with their enthusiasm and drive, Robert hired them through the on-the-job training program. Alva and Phina went through an intensive training program to leam everything from opening the store to handling customer complaints. Through Alu Like's Employment and Training Program McDonald's was able to train their personnel and still receive a 50 percent reimbursement of wages while in training. Alva and Phina are very thankful to be part of the McDonald's " 'ohana" because they know that their future is bright with the chances for advancement and incentive programs provided by the McDonald's Corporation.
Christina Kurihara
Yvonne Lee
Oelphine Tupe (left) and Alva Kamalani