Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1990 — ALU LIKE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


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Council picks Aston for skillstraining

Aston Hotels and Resorts has been selected by the Hawaiian Educational Council to participate in a federally funded program to improve the oeeupational skills of Native Hawaiian employees. Aston is the only hotel and resort company in Hawai'i chosen the Program for Occupational Skills Training (POST). The objective of POST is to help entry-level employees of Hawaiian ancestry enhanee their oeeupational skills, making them better candidates for advancement within their companies. The program provides training sessions about twice a month aimed at increasing productivity and job retention. The sessions will focus on business writing, reading, math, learning techniques, interpersonal communication, problem solving, teamwork, leadership, career development, motivation and creative thinking. Twenty Aston employees of Hawaiian ancestry were invited to be in POST's target group. They began in December to attend 10 to 20 seminars conducted by faculty members of the Hawaiian Educational Ōouneil. The sessions are open to all of Aston's 1,500 employees with a maximum of 30 students per class. We are proud to be part of a program that gives something back to the community in whieh we live," said Aston's director of personnel Corey Moriyama. "Aston fully recognizes the importance of investing in its people, especially in the wake of Hawai'i's continuing labor shortage."

POST is in its second year of operation and has effectively served more than 200 employees of Roberts Hawai'i and First Hawaiian Bank, according to a spokesperson for the Hawaiian Educational Council. The program is federally funded through Alu

Like ine., a non-profit Native Hawaiian organiza--tion. Alu Like is the state's only recipient of funds from the U.S. Department of Education for Native Hawaiian vocational education. For more information, eall Aston's marketing services director Sally Proctor at (808)923-0745.