Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1990 — Auwe [ARTICLE]
Due to a printing company error, last month's cover headline omitted an important word. It should have read "Ho'okahi no maua ewe," meaning " We are bound as one family." This phrase refers to the shared eommon lineage of all Hawaiians as on people. The cover featured a Hawaiian family of different blood quantum to 'illustrate an article on this month's legislature-mandated OHA referendum on a Single definition for Native Hawaiian. Also a typographical error in OHA trustee Moanikeala Akaka's eolumn last month wrongly listed a geōthermal well at Pohoiki near Kapoho as 202 megawatts in size. The well is actually a 2.2 megawatt geothermal well. Trustee Akaka pointed out that if a 2.2 megawatt well is needing to be closed because of problems with polluting the area, "How ean they ask us to permit further geothermal development, mueh less 500 megawatts." Also this clarification for the Makaku eolumn by Rocky Jensen last month: the movie project at Pu'uhonua O Honaunau was not by the National Geographic. It was filmed by Moana Productions for the BBC, for eventual release to the National Geographic.