Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 11, 1 November 1989 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE]
ʻOhana Reunions
Kalua Nawaa
The gathering of the descendents of Solomon and Elizabeth Kalua Nawaa will be held Aug. 1720, 1990. Chairpeople are as follows: overall chairperson, Pauleen P.K. Torres; Secretary/Treasurer, Irlene Torres; genealogy, family representatives with Pauleen Torres; registration, Annette Kaiahua; transportation, June Davis; housing, Helen Chamizo; activities, Robert Kalua; food, Edward Lopes; entertainment, L. Lopes; T-shirts, William Torres and Royden Gandy; newsletter, Allen Torres. There will be monthly meetings at different loeations. Help is needed in all areas of planning for the gathering. For more information, eall (845-0986) or write: Pauleen P. K. Torres, 1940 Iwaho Plaee, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819.