Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 11, 1 November 1989 — Civic clubs to hold annual convention [ARTICLE]
Civic clubs to hold annual convention
The Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs will hold its 30th annual convention, Nov. 15-19, atthe Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki. The convention theme is "E Pupukahi i Pono Ai Kakou," whieh translates as "Let us unite together in harmony, good thoughts and values, with the intention of resolving things for the betterment of all." The Pacific Beach Hotel is locally-owned and sits on property of the Lili'uokalani Trust.
Featured special events of the convention include: a Ho'olaulea on Thursday, Nov. 16, that includes a holoku, aloha shirt and mu'umu'u eontest, lei-making contest, and presentation of eompetition awards for "na pa'ani" (Hawaiian games) and non-Hawaiian games.
A favorite eaeh year is the 'Aha Mele song competition. Held on Friday, Nov. 1 /, this year's theme features songs written by or for Queen Lili'uokalani. Club choral groups compete to perpetuate the unique a eappella style of Hawaiian choral music. On Saturday, Nov. 18, a formal evening 'ahaaina dinner will feature presentation of association awards to the outstanding Hawaiian civic club, eivic club member, nutstanding Hawaiian and outstanding non-Hawaiian individual. Expected on the agenda for acceptance in the general session will be the creation of a new mainland district eouneil, formed by the mainland clubs over the past year.