Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 10, 1 October 1989 — ʻOhana volunteers needed [ARTICLE]
ʻOhana volunteers needed
OHA's new director of volunteers as of Sept. 1 is Elaine Tamashiro. Tamashiro will be coordinating volunteer involvement in OHA's Operation 'Ohana. All volunteers must undergo training where step-by-step instructions will be given to help enroll Native Hawaiians. Upon eomplehon of the training session volunteers will be certified as OHA deputy enrollment registrars. Volunteers are needed on all islands. Contact the Office of Hawaiian Affairs if you are interested in volunteering or if you know of someone who is interested in helping. On O'ahu eall 946-2642, Kaua'i 245-4390, Moloka'i 553-3611, Maui 2444219, Hilo 961-7349, Kailua-Kona 329-7368.