Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 10, 1 October 1989 — Leaders seminar set [ARTICLE]
Leaders seminar set
Mauli Ola, the "Breath of Life" is the theme of this year's Hawaiian Leadership Conference Oct. 26-27. It represents "a balance of heart, mind and spirit vital to the development of effective Hawaiian leadership," according to conference organizers. The conference at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo is open to high school and college students, teachers, counselors, coaches, administrators, community ieaders and key personnel who are interested in developing Hawaiian ieadership skills. Early registration is recommended since attendance is limited to 150 participants. The pre-regis-tration fee up to Oct. 13 is $25 for students and senior citizens and a $50 fee for all others, payable by cash or eheek (no purchase orders). The late registration fee is $30 and $60. A conference packet with schedules of events. workshops and speakers will be sent following receipt of registration form. Interested persons may eall Manu Meyer in Hilo at 933-3413 or 933-3569 for more information and details.