Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 10, 1 October 1989 — Hewahewa family meets [ARTICLE]

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Hewahewa family meets

TTie organizing committee for the Hewahewa 'Ohana announces its 1990 reunion for the descendants of Hewahewa. It will take plaee Aug. 17-19, 1990 on O'ahu. All interested p6rsons are asked to attend a meeting next month on Sunday, Nov. 5, at Poka'i Bay Park in Wai'anae at 1 p.m. Members of the organizing committees are: Na'mi Kama, chairperson; Ululani Sang, secretary; James Bolster, treasurer; Nani Keopuhiwa, genealogy; Joseph Taitano, genealogy; Moana Burch, program; Hoakalei Kamauu, entertainment; Henry Kupahu, Jr., entertainment; Manuel Joe-Gang Kupahu, kupuna consultant; Henry Kupahu, Sr., kupuna consultant. The committee is looking for representatives from eaeh family. For further information all are asked to contact Na'mi Kama, 1990 reunion chairperson at 696-8135.