Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1989 — ALU LIKE [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


In the spirit of interagency cooperation, OHA has graciously provided space for regular reports from Alu Like, ine. Alu Like's "Native Hawaiian Report" has , in the past, served as a voice for the ideas of achievement and advancement. Unfortunately, funding for its publication has fallen victim to budgetary cuts.

Ihe "Alu Like Report" is made possible through arrangements with Richard Paglinawan, OHA administrator, and the editorial staff of Ka Wa Ola O OHA. Now it will be sent out on a monthly schedule whieh had not been possible before. We believe that this arrangment will build increased awareness of Alu Like's work with Native Hawaiians. The "Native Hawaiian Report" was last issued in June/July 1989, featuring Alu Like's offender/exoffender project and other stories highlighting "success stories" of Native Hawaiians on various islands. Readers who wish to receive this last issue may eall 836-8940. The Alu Like, ine. 'ohana state Board of Directors are: Ted Kesaji, chair, Maui; Warren Perry, first vice chair, Kaua'i; Lucas Kekuna, second vice chair, Hawai'i; William Souza, secretary, O'ahu; Lineoln Keanini, treasurer, Moloka'i; Miehael Tancayo, immediate past chair, Moloka'i; Clem Judd, member-at-large; Ernest Matsumura, member-at-large; Ann Nathaniel, member-at-large; Gilbert Tam, member-at-large and Myron Thompson, member-at-large. Chief executive officer is Masaru Oshiro, assisted by Haunani Apoliona, program operations director, Iris Young, administrative services director, and Bella Bell, research , planning and evaluation director. The next meeting of the Alu Like Board of Directors will be held in the Central Office conferenee room 1024 Mapunapuna Street, Honolulu, on Sept. 23. At this meeting outgoing Board members from the past few years will be recognized. Future issues will summarize programs covering employment and training, vocational education, library services, the Computer Training Center, Business Development Center, the Elderly Needs Assessment Project and other research studies. Highlights from O'ahu and Neighbor Islands centers will also be presented. The Board and staff of Alu Like wish to express their gratitude to OHA for sharing its newspaper space.